Anyone else tak their chickens for a walk??? :D


9 Years
Apr 5, 2010
La Crosse, WI
I had to take my dog for a walk today, and I know that my poor chickies are bored holed up because of the snow. So I went to the coop, scooped up my darling little EE, tucked her in my coat, and headed out. I think she even enjoyed herself a little
Our Peeps have the run of the backyard when we are out there. That being said, it got cold so we brought them in to their indoor coop. (A converted dog crate.) All 3 of them seemed to like snuggling with me this AM while it was still chilly in the garage. Our birds are very social. Could be that yours are, too!
It would be funny, but I cant even stand the sight of people walking their CATS on a leash. Chickens is even more rediculous
Once I stuffed one of my pullets into my jacket with just her head sticking out, went to my neighbor's house like that (I don't know those neighbors very well), rang the bell, and handed them and egg. Meanwhile, little Gamma was giving my neighbor the stink eye from the jacket
One our chickens loves to be taken for a walk, but there is a certain way you have to hold her. You also have to rub her and sing lullaby's to her or she goes nuts on you. You can tell from the pic with my mom holding her how spoiled she is.


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