Anyone have multiple sclerosis?


9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
Hillsborough, NC USA
Just wondering if any of us chicken people have MS too. I find my chickens to be very relaxing and therapeutic!
I don't... But my Aunt, my cousin, my favorite past boss and my chicken swap buddy all do..

I'm glad the chickens bring you peace. (and breakfast!) How are you holding up in this heat? I know Temp extremes can be rough. Keep smiling at those chickies, and enjoy em'!
The heat SUCKS!!! I get up WAY early to do my outside things. Trouble is, I LOVE gardening, it's not just a hobby, it's an all consuming obsession. Now my chicknes are too! I do stuff late in the day too. I have been known to weed by flashlight at 1 am... Try to keep my afternoon activities either involving pools or cold rivers, or inside with the AC. I did work for years with it, but had to stop that last spring. Only have so much in me each day, and after the house and kids, not much energy or coordination left for much else.
Mems was diagnosed with it years and years ago... leastways my mom remembers her having it when she was a kid... so, somewhere in the 50 years ballpark. Never slowed her down... constantly taking trips in the RV, thrift storing, Antiquing, and she LOVED birds.. cockatiels, canaries, and parrots... NOT chickens... at one point she had 100 birds in her house! Can you imagine the racket that produced bringing them back from Missouri to Arkansas in an RV... crazy hepcat she was.
My DiL has an aggressive progressive type of MS. She is 27 now and I have never seen her in remission. She is the toughest person I have ever met. She is still working at the local ladies only gym in town. Anyone else would be using a wheelchair.
Chronic Progressive MS is hard to deal with! Glad she is trying to do as much as possible. Not all of us can. A GREAT website for anyone with MS is It's really funny, written by a guys who has it. It gives me a lot of laughs when I need it! It's so different for all of us. I know people who run and bike between relapses, and then people like me, who always "keep" something that won't go away after a relapse, so it just gradually gets worse. But I can still keep chickens!!!
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Hi Andrea, the site is a hoot, it is a nice place to laugh! I was diagnosed about 25 years ago, somedays are better then others! I am a firm believer that laughter helps a multitude of ailments!
I have MS I'm 31 years old. I also feel chickens are very therapeutic. I normally spend two hours a day just sitting around watching them. The heat makes me very sick so I'm saving up some money to buy a cooling vest to wear!!!
The heat kills me too. I'd love to get one of those cooling vests. My chickens are so good to me! I think all pets can be therapeutic! My dog sure is. She's a goofball, and makes me laugh a lot. People think I'm weird with the chicken thing, someone actually asked me if that could "make my MS worse."
Ridiculous!!! Anyway, it's summer. Summer stinks. It's hot here. I'm going to Colorado tomorrow morning for 17 days, and I'll probably spend more time outside there in one week than I have here in North Carolina all summer!
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Any of you guys have cognitive problems? Mine are making me crazy. I do stuff like put my cell phone in the fridge and then go try to plug in my bottle of water.
And I get lost driving around the same town I grew up in, 'cause I forget what I was doing and where I was going! My mom says at least I have an excuse....

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