Anyone have partridge as pets?

Summer or winter, he or one of his gals is around. Sometimes he even sneaks into a pen when I am not looking.
their are a lot of different breeds of partridge, but i dont know about their relations with chickens. as long as they have a high enclosure, and lots of flying space, they should be fine.
WOW they are gorgeous birds!! I really like them so much I have considered doing away with all my chickens. but allas the kids wouldnt have a chicken for the fair so I cant get rid of them I have to build more levels on the coup! :

Yep we probably do. Characters too. Yes, those are Huns.

Do you prefer one over the other? (Hun vs. chukar) I'd like to try raising some Huns next year, but I'm sure that I am out of space...​

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