Anyone use Koop Clean?

I paid $12.70 a bag. It was a bit pricey, but the bag was bigger than the normal sized TSC shavings I get, plus I have read that it lasts longer than regular pine, so it evens out for the most part.

Just put some in my brooder, smells SO good! Chicks are having a ball scratching through it. Now I will see how well it works.
wow, that is a good price as the closest carrier here wants $25.99
Just cleaned the coop yesterday & the girls love it! I really couldn't believe the bag said to clean the coop weekly! If that is what I have to do, then no more Koop Clean. I really liked how soft it was, I wasn't expecting that. Time will tell how it does.
I was curious about it as well. Keep posting updates, I'll follow to see how it goes for you.
We were used to chopped hay, don't have the room to store so this Koop Clean works for us. Why not call it Koop Klean though *wonders*.
Seems good - not dusty like I feared.

UNLIKE the 50lb bag of blue seal organic pellets I got that is 50% dust!
I purchased a bag for $18.00 - Cypress, TX. I cleaned out the coop Saturday and put down the Koop Clean. I really like working with it. I do have a concern though. The coop has a plywood floor and when the chickens hop off the roost in the morning, they slid on the bedding. I am concerned one of them will hurt themselves. Anybody else run into this?
I purchased a bag for $18.00 - Cypress, TX. I cleaned out the coop Saturday and put down the Koop Clean. I really like working with it. I do have a concern though. The coop has a plywood floor and when the chickens hop off the roost in the morning, they slid on the bedding. I am concerned one of them will hurt themselves. Anybody else run into this?
Just cleaned the coop yesterday & the girls love it! I really couldn't believe the bag said to clean the coop weekly! If that is what I have to do, then no more Koop Clean. I really liked how soft it was, I wasn't expecting that. Time will tell how it does.

Just because the bag suggest cleaning the coop weekly doesn't mean your coop necessarily needs weekly cleaning. If you use droppings boards, for instance, you would not need to clean the coop weekly. How is it performing for you after using it for a few weeks now?
My broody, Freida, is LOVING it!

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