Appropriate pricing for Call Ducks

Mine only scream at me if they want something or think I have food for them.
Or something is wrong.
Earlier Remi duck was screaming her head off and when I stood up to look she kind of flew up in the air as if she was really trying to get my attention.
Well she was.
Her pastel juvie kiddo has somehow managed to get sideways in the water trough I have. You know the one with the board over it to try and keep them from poopin in it?
She was sideways and upside down stuck in between the board and the side of the trough.
I swear with ducks there's 2000 ways to die. Thank goodness I was home I'd have hated for poor Remi to lose her kid to a freak accident getting stuck somewhere, the same freaking way she lost her best buddy. 😭
That's how mine are! Very quiet unless the feeder runs out. Then Guinevere, my white female, will scream at me until I refill it and give her some food too. She's precious and I love her.
My husband will probably kill me for asking (joking about killing me of course lol) but how far away are you from Sam's club in Omaha?...
Ah dang, I actually just had someone reply back to me last night wanting to pick them up! I'm sorry, I didn't even realize there were more replies on this thread. I'm not far from the Sam's Club, and I'm going to see if I can squeeze out a few more call babies this season. If not though, I'll be hatching more next year!!
I am in Ohio. I just recently traded a Drake Mule Duck and a Drake Khaki Campbell Duck for two little drake call ducks. Then this past weekend I traded my other Drake Mule duck for two little Drake Call ducks. The Drakes I had were way too rough on my hens and I am hoping these littles will be nicer. The guy I got them from was selling the drakes for 5 dollars a piece and I only wanted drakes so that my two bigger drakes would not try to mate them when they get out of drake jail next month. Good luck on selling yours.

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