Arkansas folks speak up.........

[COLOR=800080]i agree with heritage, that is why you are not getting quality birds. now i got most of mine from ideal, and i love them dearly, they have been extremely healthy. but i bought all mine as chicks and i did end up with more roosters than i needed. i met up with two different groups on fb that is in arkansas. look up poultry groups that are close to you, and i know you will find some wonderful people. hertiage is right, find a breeder with what you want and buy quality and not quanity. expensive at first but in the long run they will pay for themselves two fold. i am getting into sq birds and heritage breeds myself, i am bracing myself for the upfront cost but i know i will break out ahead in the long run. most breeders wont mind a bit-if they are honest people honestly caring about the birds to raise them till you can tell males, females apart. do your research and you will be very happy! good luck!!!!!!!![/COLOR]

I have heard good things about Ideal but I just want to get away from hatchery chicks. I have had great health with all my other girls it is just they are all about 4 now and the egg production is really low. I have let my girls hatch out several batches of eggs over the years and that is how I ended up with 8 roosters to 20 hens. All my boys are really sweet and good alarms. It would be so much easier if they were mean! Good luck with the purchase of your new birds. I agree with you, I don't mind paying more to get good birds!
I have  Heritage RIR (Fogle Line), pure BLRW, pure German New Hampshire and pure Marraduna Basque(Euskal Oiloa).  I should have pure Tolbunts laying soon too.

I visited with you last week about your birds and I am talking myself into taking the chance with ending up with more roosters because I would love to get some HRIR's, BLRW'S and German New Hampshire's from you!!
WHEW!! I just sorted 5000 boxes of girl scout cookies. Cookie season is almost over so if you want'em better hurry. Eggs go on lockdown on monday...all but 2 look really good. Off to deliver cookies
My mom's love everything put eggplant. They eat everything previously mentioned and LOVE red pepper too. We pull the pepper plants, collards etc (whole plants) at the end of the season and the chickens strip them clean. they also LOVE grass, esp. clover (but only if you don't put anything on your yard.) I frequently pull a bunch a weeds and the chickens go crazy. Also feed them spent flowers, like pansies (but only if you use no pesticides.)

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