Arkansas folks speak up.........

True ! We don't have snakes too bad here .... We have a weiner dog and he keeps them killed out pretty much .... he got bit by a copper head last spring .....we Tryed to keep him away from it (he ended up killing it) but he swelled a bit for a couple days but was fine
I'm worried about freezing temps the next three nights. Our fruit trees are all blossoming.

Up here all I have blooming is plums, but yeah I’m worried about them. Even if the freeze doesn’t get them, there are no insects out pollinating them. I had some really nice plums last year too. It’s hard to beat a full- ripen juicy plum straight off the tree.

I’ve got some stuff coming up in the garden too, kale, radishes, and lettuce. Plus some cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower transplants. I got some sheets at a thrift store real cheap a few years back. That stuff I the garden will be covered the next three nights. I can’t do much for my plum trees though.
I have a chick issue, I had 13 hatch a week ago. They all were thriving, eating drinking no problems. I left them in the care of my sister for almost a week. I set them up with plenty of food and water, they had a heat lamp with a steady 90f heat. She said they seemed fine..when I got back 2 of the smaller died very quickly, the last small one seems to be next.

I thoroughly cleaned cage, food, water. Ive been trying to hand feed the sickly one...he /she sleeps a lot (more than normal) doesn't eat or drink unless I force it. When I pick it up it peeps at me but its like it can't swallow right. I put a couple pinches of chick starter in warm water with electrolytes and sugar, I dnt have a saringe so ive been using a plastic spoon. I tip it up and let it have some right at the edge of its beak. I know I'm not drowning it but it looks like its gaging. Earlier I did get it to spit up a bunch of slimy mucus.

It does open its eyes and perks up a little when I pick it up and gently shake it so it will try to swallow. I do this several times an hour. Ive not fed medicated feed cause ddnt think I needed it because they are my own chicks. The parents have been extremly healthy but I am going to pick some up tomorrow along with vitamins.

What do u know what's going on with the smaller chicks, what else should I do? I am totally stumped...oh ive checked for pasty butt, the other chicks are acting fine, I'm using pine shavings...plastic tub for brooder, its in my bathtub, heat is around 90 with the other side in the 80s where the food and water is....

Plz help me help this chick.......
Do you put natural apple cider vinegar (with the mother)in their water?
I am not sure if it will help it at this point but it helps their digestive system and might keep the others from getting sick ... .... Also there is a thread that I bet someone could help you let me find it
Faulkner county/ Vilonia poultry swap
March 30
April 13 & 27
May 11 & 25
June 15 & 29
sunrise to 1pm. Vilanco rd. in Vilonia
$3 to set up and sell. They need more sellers. More info on Craigslist just search Vilonia poultry swap

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