Avian influenza found in South Carolina

As for covering the rest, I was thinking about flat bed sheets. I have a couple old ones I've used as covering on strawberries and hydrangeas if we have a last frost. I was concerned about the tarp holding water during heavy rain as the area is flat. It would keep out poo.
Could you hatch some of your eggs? A couple weeks might be pushing it, but not a deal breaker.
I no longer have a roo. He was an old guy and passed a few weeks ago, no signs of being sick. He had just started slowing down. I miss him he was a sweet boy.
First time in over 9 years I've not had a roo! Usually I'm trying to rehome a few!
I no longer have a roo. He was an old guy and passed a few weeks ago, no signs of being sick. He had just started slowing down. I miss him he was a sweet boy.
First time in over 9 years I've not had a roo! Usually I'm trying to rehome a few!
Hens hold sperm between 3 and 4 weeks usually, so you could try your luck. Might get a couple eggs to hatch
Just to make sure I'm looking at it correctly

The areas with more than one color are where flyways overlap/converge/intermingle? Putting me on three flyways?
Most varieties of AI are not known to be infectious to humans, and therefore, **IN THEORY**, "yes, maybe", safe to handle and consume. H5N1 - the virus family currently making its way up our eastern seaboard *HAS* infected humans in the past, even if this particular strain is not currently known to have done so - so in the instant case, "NO - I would not".

*ALL THEORY* - I am NOT a Dr. or a Lawyer, or much of anything else. This advice worth not more, and likely less, than you paid for it. Caveat Emptor and stuff.
I agree. I wouldn’t either.
**There’s a vaccine (human) for H5N1, however. Side-note
Darn :barnie

I was really hoping not to see much in backyard and commercial birds. Oh well just saw this-

Fauquier County, Virginia 2/12/2022 Backyard Mixed Species

Fulton County, Kentucky 2/12/2022 Commercial Broiler Chickens

Ya'll be careful. :fl

I have no ducks (I want some!) or turkeys.
My chickens do not free range. We have regular visits from foxes and resident hawks and owls. Also I know we have coyotes, bobcats, even bear sightings close by. So my pen is a combination of chain link and 2x4 welded all covered with hardware cloth or 1 inch chicken wire. Also partially covered with metal and tarps. There is a large area only covered with the fencing. No birds or squirrels can get in. We pick up feed at night and keep mouse traps set where the birds can get to them. Dedicated coop boots. I haven't had new birds in 2 years, they were bought as hatching eggs. Only people around them are me and DH.

Although there are commercial operations all over this area, I feel like my biosecurity is pretty good.

Other than tarping the rest of the top, I don't know what else I can do. I really don't feel like tarping the rest will do much as my pen if shaded by large pines that drop needles alot. So I don't feel like the migratory ducks, geese will do much poop dropping in my pen.

Do you folks think I could do anything else? At present the nearest positive sample was collected about 75 miles to my east. But I know I'm in their flight path.
KY has it!?

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