Avian influenza found in South Carolina

I am close to a couple positive collection sites, so yes worried and taking precautions.

With all the bad stuff going on around us...I found a positive! Yay!

I have been looking information pertaining to songbirds, woodpeckers and rodents. I found this-

"Here, we examined small, wild birds (songbirds, woodpeckers, etc.) and mammals in Iowa, one of the regions hit hardest by the 2015 avian influenza epizootic, to determine whether these animals carry AIV. .... These results suggest that even though influenza A viruses were present on the Iowa landscape at the time of our sampling, small, wild birds and rodents were unlikely to be frequent bridge hosts."

Now I realized unlikely does not mean the same as impossible, but I still like the was that sounds. Yes I'll still take precautions!

Here's the link Evaluating the role of wild songbirds or rodents in spreading avian influenza
I am close to a couple positive collection sites, so yes worried and taking precautions.

With all the bad stuff going on around us...I found a positive! Yay!

I have been looking information pertaining to songbirds, woodpeckers and rodents. I found this-

"Here, we examined small, wild birds (songbirds, woodpeckers, etc.) and mammals in Iowa, one of the regions hit hardest by the 2015 avian influenza epizootic, to determine whether these animals carry AIV. .... These results suggest that even though influenza A viruses were present on the Iowa landscape at the time of our sampling, small, wild birds and rodents were unlikely to be frequent bridge hosts."

Now I realized unlikely does not mean the same as impossible, but I still like the was that sounds. Yes I'll still take precautions!

Here's the link Evaluating the role of wild songbirds or rodents in spreading avian influenza
This is very encouraging info! Your right, they still could be carriers, but unlikley is better than nothing! Thank you for supplying us with this info @NanaK.
Well it's definitely not the prettiest thing in the world and I have to say that zip ties and this netting are second only to hardware cloth as far as being hideously annoying to work with in below freezing temperatures, but at least the 1/2in bird netting is up now for my run extension. That's about the extent of what I can do I think, but I've hopefully eliminated the risk of other bird droppings getting in the food or water from fly-throughs.

I am close to a couple positive collection sites, so yes worried and taking precautions.

With all the bad stuff going on around us...I found a positive! Yay!

I have been looking information pertaining to songbirds, woodpeckers and rodents. I found this-

"Here, we examined small, wild birds (songbirds, woodpeckers, etc.) and mammals in Iowa, one of the regions hit hardest by the 2015 avian influenza epizootic, to determine whether these animals carry AIV. .... These results suggest that even though influenza A viruses were present on the Iowa landscape at the time of our sampling, small, wild birds and rodents were unlikely to be frequent bridge hosts."

Now I realized unlikely does not mean the same as impossible, but I still like the was that sounds. Yes I'll still take precautions!

Here's the link Evaluating the role of wild songbirds or rodents in spreading avian influenza

This is reassuring. Thank you for sharing it! I have a lot of songbirds on my property.
Understanding the life cycle of a virus and it's mutation rate is important to know.

Considering the west coast went through Newcastle disease in 2019-2020. Then Europe had there's during lockdown. And in 2022, a new wave of virus making it's way in the southern region of the US.

Being informed and being proactive to protect your birds is important. This maybe a yearly event due to migrating birds and climate change.
Well it's definitely not the prettiest thing in the world and I have to say that zip ties and this netting are second only to hardware cloth as far as being hideously annoying to work with in below freezing temperatures, but at least the 1/2in bird netting is up now for my run extension. That's about the extent of what I can do I think, but I've hopefully eliminated the risk of other bird droppings getting in the food or water from fly-throughs.
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This is reassuring. Thank you for sharing it! I have a lot of songbirds on my property.
We’ve got a very similar set up!! Poor birds are pissed about not having their free range time!
I’m in Kentucky! Right next to the county that has it confirmed on Valentine’s Day!

On February 11th, we found several small black n white Wildbirds dead on the ground around our property; we’re 11acres.

The wild birds you saw...did they have any swelling of the head or eyes?
I remember reading about the deaths of many songbirds last summer along the eastern states. They were telling people not to feed them and empty bird baths to keep them from congregating. There were pictures of them, their eyes were mostly swollen shut. I never did see anything about what was causing it. I would think they did pcr testing.
I doubt that problem is related to this avian influenza. Here's more info if anyone's interested. East's Songbird Epidemic Fades

As for your birds, you may could call a wildlife agent and ask some questions.
The wild birds you saw...did they have any swelling of the head or eyes?
I remember reading about the deaths of many songbirds last summer along the eastern states. They were telling people not to feed them and empty bird baths to keep them from congregating. There were pictures of them, their eyes were mostly swollen shut. I never did see anything about what was causing it. I would think they did pcr testing.
I doubt that problem is related to this avian influenza. Here's more info if anyone's interested. East's Songbird Epidemic Fades

As for your birds, you may could call a wildlife agent and ask some questions.
That wasn't HPAI but I remember that too. It was so pitiful seeing those sick birds. I didn't have any here, that I'm aware of, but I remember the pictures. It was so heartbreaking

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