Avian influenza found in South Carolina

If it comes back south in the fall, I'm going to cull down to just my best birds, then cross my fingers, and move them to the grow out pen in the barn, with its attached run, then hope that fortune favors me. Nothing else I can do.
We're going to likely do the same. I hate doing a large cull, but it makes the most sense in a situation like this.
Nice! I think the main challenge is coming up with something quickly in a situation like this. Sounds like those would give you a good starting point to work with which saves a lot of time and expense.

Yes, we kept those frames knowing that we'd do *something* with them -- I'd mainly contemplated them as shade structures for the runs -- so I had them to hand.
Another backyard flock has been identified in New York! APHIS, USDA is where to look for updates. None of this is good.
Continuing the northward march... GA's actions seem to be too much, too late - as if they don't understand which direction the birds are migrating. AL and NW FL folks are likely safe (till fall).

I am NOT a disease specialist, either - I'm just talkign out my... {you pick}.
Another backyard flock has been identified in New York! APHIS, USDA is where to look for updates. None of this is good.
Looks like long island - pretty close to the coastal Connecticut counties that had reports recently too. For some reason though I'm only seeing that new listing in southern NY in the news area, not the other two pages where they aggregate the reports for wild birds and poultry. I've been checking those two pages with the lists daily but I guess I need to also check the news page now if the others are lagging being updated.
Did anyone notice the collection of the dead Snow Goose confirmed with h5n1 on 2/16 that was collected from Hyde County, NC? (on the aphis site ~wild birds) 😢

I finally confirmed the birds that flew over the other day. I knew they had to be flying too low to be just flying over. They were back this morning swimming around in my pond. Gah, Hooded Merganser's are absolutely stunning! This was the first time I've seen them in person, but they're raising my anxiety levels.
I noticed the Canada Geese going up to their nest on the island in my pond so they're going to be coming and going for a while now 😔

Am I the only one that feels their stomach drop every time I *think* I notice anything different with my birds? I know that I can be dramatic but.....
Yeah I keep sitting here going 'are my hens not laying because they're sick, or because they're just ticked about being stuck in the garage?' (It's the latter, they're laying some the past week.) The rooster doesn't seem fazed at all and in fact has now grown brave enough that he almost picked a fight with my cat today. 9_9

Every time I see some ducks or geese flying overhead going to/from the nearby greenways, I kinda side-eye them :p.
Yeah I keep sitting here going 'are my hens not laying because they're sick, or because they're just ticked about being stuck in the garage?' (It's the latter, they're laying some the past week.) The rooster doesn't seem fazed at all and in fact has now grown brave enough that he almost picked a fight with my cat today. 9_9

Every time I see some ducks or geese flying overhead going to/from the nearby greenways, I kinda side-eye them :p.
For a moment there I was thinking, "I'm glad I'm not the only one." but I hate this for all of us. This is getting more scary by the day. I was hoping we'd all be able to breathe easier by now. Seems like time really speeds by in every other aspect, except this 🤔
I have 20 hens, half of them are old ladies who have earned their retirement. They are all pets.

My rooster just passed away a couple weeks ago, no signs of illness he was old, started just slowing down with his molt last August. He did all the roostery things up till he passed.

So I was getting ready to look hatching eggs shortly. I need a rooster or 2 and prefer to raise my own. Now I don't know???
I have researched about it and read it doesn't normally get inside the egg but has been found on the outside shell. But chickens actively infected usually stop laying and die quickly 48 hrs or so and 60-100% of the flock. Just scarey.
I’m so sorry about your roo. 😞 So sweet that you are letting your old ladies live out their retirement. Safest place to get hatching eggs right now would probably be a hatchery. Meyer has a decent selection if you want to hatch your own chicks.
Another backyard flock has been identified in New York! APHIS, USDA is where to look for updates. None of this is good.

Looks like long island - pretty close to the coastal Connecticut counties that had reports recently too. For some reason though I'm only seeing that new listing in southern NY in the news area, not the other two pages where they aggregate the reports for wild birds and poultry. I've been checking those two pages with the lists daily but I guess I need to also check the news page now if the others are lagging being updated.
I read an article and it said the NY flock was a flock of 8 NONpoultry birds. What the heck could they be? Parakeets?
Right now we have our chickens confined to a greenhouse frame covered in chicken wire and tarps over the top and back. Left the front open. Hope that’s ok, but wanted to be able to see them.
I’m so sorry about your roo. 😞 So sweet that you are letting your old ladies live out their retirement. Safest place to get hatching eggs right now would probably be a hatchery. Meyer has a decent selection if you want to hatch your own chicks.

I read an article and it said the NY flock was a flock of 8 NONpoultry birds. What the heck could they be? Parakeets?
Right now we have our chickens confined to a greenhouse frame covered in chicken wire and tarps over the top and back. Left the front open. Hope that’s ok, but wanted to be able to see them.
Source of the "non-poultry" language, which is important for international trade agreements.

Additional Details (NYS) - 8 birds in the "flock", they are culling additional birds on property for precautionary reasons.

Looks like APHIS doesn't update their website much on the weekend, no indications what kindo fo bird it was on this page or this one.

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