Avian influenza found in South Carolina

Yeah, I know.;)
Just more info = better precautions.
The agencies are sensitive to criticism and are obliged to stay in toush with their stakeholders. They have people whose only job is to respnd to stakeholder concerns. Obviously, they are unaware that a bunch of chicken kooks are following their every move.

Some smart energetic person among us should create an on-line petition to request better communication.
The agencies are sensitive to criticism and are obliged to stay in toush with their stakeholders. They have people whose only job is to respnd to stakeholder concerns. Obviously, they are unaware that a bunch of chicken kooks are following their every move.

Some smart energetic person among us should create an on-line petition to request better communication.
I would worry they would realize just how many chicken kooks there are and do everything in their power to close our flocks. I don’t want to become a real threat to them…they are scary…
You guys, I really loved my chickens. However, if VND was a problem now in my state I certainly wouldn’t hide my flock or send to my friend in Colorado. I would put down my flock myself and let the authorities deal with the bodies. Then I would know they were put down humanely and they wouldn’t make anyone else’s flock sick. If you’re going to have animals like chickens or ducks these are the consequences. Without everyone pulling together to do the right thing we’re all screwed. Problem is, most people only think of themselves and their feelings rather than the greater good. The individual is more important than the whole. In reality, one bad apple actually can ruin the whole barrel.
You guys, I really loved my chickens. However, if VND was a problem now in my state I certainly wouldn’t hide my flock or send to my friend in Colorado. I would put down my flock myself and let the authorities deal with the bodies. Then I would know they were put down humanely and they wouldn’t make anyone else’s flock sick. If you’re going to have animals like chickens or ducks these are the consequences. Without everyone pulling together to do the right thing we’re all screwed. Problem is, most people only think of themselves and their feelings rather than the greater good. The individual is more important than the whole. In reality, one bad apple actually can ruin the whole barrel.
Are you saying that if VND or Avian Influenza showed up in your state, you would euthanize your entire flock, to be certain they didn't contract or spread the disease? I'm thinking that's not exactly what you meant. At least I hope not. Because in that case ALL wild waterfowl, songbirds and raptors in the state should be killed too, and this world would be a less beautiful place.
Are you saying that if VND or Avian Influenza showed up in your state, you would euthanize your entire flock, to be certain they didn't contract or spread the disease? I'm thinking that's not exactly what you meant. At least I hope not. Because in that case ALL wild waterfowl, songbirds and raptors in the state should be killed too, and this world would be a less beautiful place.
I said VND not avian flu, which was what flocks in Cali had. Yes, if the authorities were coming for my birds I would kill them myself so I knew it was humane and when the state showed up I’d tell them where the bodies were so they could collect. It IS exactly what I meant. People need to stop thinking about me me me and consider the we. Instead, people tried to hide their birds or moved their “healthy” flocks to UT and AZ putting everyone else with flocks in those states at risk. Jackasses. Plus, it’s more humane to me than watching an animal die slowly from something I can’t do anything about.

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