Avian influenza found in South Carolina

Harsh at first, you catch more flies with honey that you do vinegar.

I've no interest in catching flies.

I also have no interest in my flock becoming AI infected. Which may occur because a bunch of non poultry owning potential voters with more emotion than reason prevent effective culling, and thereby end up killing more birds, more painfully, while inflicting economic damage on the rest of us. As has happened in the past, and will likely happen in the future.

They have no skin in the game, nothing I say here on BYC will educate them, and for too many, they weigh the few deaths they seem to prevent by culling much more highly than the many they allow by preventing effective disease control.
Wow! I’m just scared to lose my flock… I have worked so hard on it and I have very special birds, who have went through a lot, and my ducks mean the world to me. So If I see one of my birds coming down sick with this, I should cull it?
The symptoms match so many other illnesses that I would have it tested at least
I've no interest in catching flies.

I also have no interest in my flock becoming AI infected. Which may occur because a bunch of non poultry owning potential voters with more emotion than reason prevent effective culling, and thereby end up killing more birds, more painfully, while inflicting economic damage on the rest of us. As has happened in the past, and will likely happen in the future.

They have no skin in the game, nothing I say here on BYC will educate them, and for too many, they weigh the few deaths they seem to prevent by culling much more highly than the many they allow by preventing effective disease control.
Well maybe be nice to your fellow humans then instead of calling then collective idiots. No flies, just some courtesy.
Well maybe be nice to your fellow humans then instead of calling then collective idiots. No flies, just some courtesy.

I had a long post, deep into political theory, definitions, and logic. This isn't the place. I've deleted it.

Suffice to say, I would much rather that the collective masses who have neither ownership, education, or direct experience with owning chickens signal their consent to AI control efforts by either standing aside, or supporting the collective decision-making of those who do.

2/25/22 Update Excerpt:

“Although the number of cases of HPAI in wild waterfowl is unchanged in North Carolina this week it is not an indication that HPAI is no longer a serious threat,” said State Veterinarian Mike Martin. “USDA has focused its wild bird sampling program in the Mississippi Flyway because of the number of commercial cases in that area. Poultry owners in North Carolina were given early warning that HPAI was in our wild population due to early testing by USDA in the Atlantic Flyway. This has allowed our commercial and backyard flocks to increase their biosecurity and prepare for the threat. The threat is not yet over and poultry owners need to continue to do their part in keeping our commercial and backyard flocks HPAI free. This includes keeping birds enclosed and reporting sick birds."

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