Avian influenza found in South Carolina

I don't know how often this map is updated, but it looks like nothing has been found recently in Michigan.
This about parrots

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Detected in Washtenaw County​

April 18, 2022
MDARD State Vet says now is the time to act to protect your birds
LANSING, MI - Following an investigation by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD), the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) detected the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in domestic parrots at a residential location in Washtenaw County.
The parrots at the residence had succumbed to the virus, and MDARD is working with the birds’ owners to finalize a flock plan, preventing further disease spread.

This about parrots

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Detected in Washtenaw County​

April 18, 2022
MDARD State Vet says now is the time to act to protect your birds
LANSING, MI - Following an investigation by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD), the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) detected the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in domestic parrots at a residential location in Washtenaw County.
The parrots at the residence had succumbed to the virus, and MDARD is working with the birds’ owners to finalize a flock plan, preventing further disease spread.


So very sad to see this. Toward the beginning of the outbreak, I was finishing up a round of follow up appointments at the exotics department at the vet specialist for one of my chickens with an injured foot. We were never seen in the exotics exam room, only a dog/cat room — even back then. It never ceases to amaze me just how easy AI is spread.
So very sad to see this. Toward the beginning of the outbreak, I was finishing up a round of follow up appointments at the exotics department at the vet specialist for one of my chickens with an injured foot. We were never seen in the exotics exam room, only a dog/cat room — even back then. It never ceases to amaze me just how easy AI is spread.
That family had to take the virus to the birds. Makes me wonder did they also have poultry outside?

I've started our veggie garden. Now I'm thinking I need to wash anything I give my birds. :confused: Kinda scarey. My birds hear my golf cart coming up the path, they are at the gate waiting. They love that stuff. I'll give everything a good hosing off in the bright southern sunshine. It was 88 degrees today. That's just the beginning.
That family had to take the virus to the birds. Makes me wonder did they also have poultry outside?

I've started our veggie garden. Now I'm thinking I need to wash anything I give my birds. :confused: Kinda scarey. My birds hear my golf cart coming up the path, they are at the gate waiting. They love that stuff. I'll give everything a good hosing off in the bright southern sunshine. It was 88 degrees today. That's just the beginning.
I think if they also had poultry, it would have been recorded as a mixed flock?
This thread has been a great source of knowledge sharing in AI.
I have learned a lot and it is helping me manage my flock through this time.
Could we keep it that way and not turn it into a Covid thread?
I don't think the actual intention was turning into a covid thread. I think what it has more to do with is how we need to parse information -whatever information we may be given whether it be the avian flu or God knows what. To roughly paraphrase a popular quotation: The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is that it robs not only the listener but all posterity of the clearer conception and pure perception produced by truth in it's collision with error. And finally probably the most poignant of all, is that the only thing any government wants is more power for itself.

Intelligently challenge what is presented to you as fact and have an in-depth understanding of the disseminator of the information. A comedian from the '70s had the rather poignant observation that he doesn't look to the news media for real information but rather entertainment. If it bleeds it leads is unfortunately, I'd venture to say, it's true of media in general - regardless of their political alignment.

Have a great day, because like Samuel Clemens observed "may I never live to see a day where the world is as bad as the newspaper says it is";)
Oh, yeah all those things are possible. I know it would be difficult, I just wish we got a sentence or two about how the birds were kept that test positive. Most commercial cases we can assume but private flocks can be sooo different.
I couldn't agree more with your observation about discerning between commercial flocks and private flocks. For one, if any of you have had the misfortune of seeing how poultry is treated on the commercial scale you'd wonder why a new virus wasn't sweeping through the commercial poultry industry every week. It truly is abominal. The average conscientious private flock holder wouldn't dream to put their hens into the conditions found in most commercial poultry farms.

I was actually surprised to learn in some recent reading that chickens are exempted from cruelty laws as it relates to the keeping of farm animals.
For one, if any of you have had the misfortune of seeing how poultry is treated on the commercial scale you'd wonder why a new virus wasn't sweeping through the commercial poultry industry every week. It truly is abominal. The average conscientious private flock holder wouldn't dream to put their hens into the conditions found in most commercial poultry farms.

Actually, commercial chicken keepers make tremendous efforts to keep their birds healthy and adopt very stringent biosecurity protocols -- to the point that if you work on a commercial chicken farm you are not permitted to own poultry at home.

There are a lot of people who are either emotionally or financially invested in spreading horror stories about commercial poultry, but the idea that birds are being abused is SILLY.

Only a complete idiot would mistreat the animals upon which his life and livelihood depend -- even if only for financial reasons because a mistreated animal is an unproductive and unprofitable animal.


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