Baby chick pecked by broody hen URGENT!

I’m so glad she’s going to be alright. ❤️ Once the swelling is gone, you’ll be able to see if there’s damage. Please keep us posted!!!
Update! The chick is doing well! Right side swelling has come down a lot! And she’s very strong eating/drinking well! I’m going to put the chick in the brooder today. I’m debating since I have a staggered hatch and the other 3 eggs in the incubator are a 50/50 if they hatch, picking up 2.5 week old Easter egger chicks so this chick isn’t lonely. What are your thoughts? ☺️
Update! The chick is doing well! Right side swelling has come down a lot! And she’s very strong eating/drinking well! I’m going to put the chick in the brooder today. I’m debating since I have a staggered hatch and the other 3 eggs in the incubator are a 50/50 if they hatch, picking up 2.5 week old Easter egger chicks so this chick isn’t lonely. What are your thoughts? ☺️
It would be best to have her with chicks close to her own size. But, placing her with the new batch of EEs could work out just fine. I’ve had success putting different ages and sizes together (as long as they were fairly close in age). When you place them together, monitor her to make sure she’s integrating. If she doesn’t, hopefully you’ll have one or 2 smaller ones to keep her company. I’m so happy she’s doing so well!! Post photos when you find a chance. Will love to see her. ❤️ I Hope anything I’ve shared can be helpful. 😊
Everything you’ve said has been so helpful thank you so much!! I have her set up in the brooder with a heating plate and some stuffed animals to keep her company☺️.Here’s some pictures of her! Left side looks really good but the right side still needs lots of time (the area looks greasy from the polysporine) her beak colouring looks a lot better today too!


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I can’t get the save-a-chick for next day delivery. What are your thoughts on this product?
We sprinkle this in with their feed. It isn't as quick or direct as Poultry Cell, Nutra Drench, or Save-a-chick though as it has to be digested whereas the others are in their water already broken down.
Everything you’ve said has been so helpful thank you so much!! I have her set up in the brooder with a heating plate and some stuffed animals to keep her company☺️.Here’s some pictures of her! Left side looks really good but the right side still needs lots of time (the area looks greasy from the polysporine) her beak colouring looks a lot better today too!
She’s precious! ❤️ Tough tiny chick. The wounds’ look good, and she looks great overall. I’m glad to hear she’s doing well. Just be sure to continue treatment until those wounds are healed. Looks like she might be getting a little spoiled too. 😊 Would love to see update photos as she (or he) grows.
Everything you’ve said has been so helpful thank you so much!! I have her set up in the brooder with a heating plate and some stuffed animals to keep her company☺️.Here’s some pictures of her! Left side looks really good but the right side still needs lots of time (the area looks greasy from the polysporine) her beak colouring looks a lot better today too!
That's wonderful! :wee
She’s precious! ❤️ Tough tiny chick. The wounds’ look good, and she looks great overall. I’m glad to hear she’s doing well. Just be sure to continue treatment until those wounds are healed. Looks like she might be getting a little spoiled too. 😊 Would love to see update photos as she (or he) grows.
Will definitely keep weekly updates to this thread as he/she grows, fingers crossed she is a pullet 🤞🏻 she is definitely spoiled constantly wanting to be held and snuggled. I’m hoping having her out in the coop with the brooder will settle her down a bit. When I left she was snuggled under the heating plate☺️ I have her set up in the washroom in the coop so she has a quieter space 🐣

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