
10 Years
Jun 8, 2013
I have 3 bantam roos in their own coop. They've been there for a few months (previously separated from my 11 other chickens) & been doing fine. I hand feed them treats & even a slice of pizza now & then. lol
However, lately there is one that has gotten aggressive towards me. Keep in mind, these may be small chickens, but he flogged me over the weekend. I had 3 punctures, 2 scrapes & ended up having a bruise. Since, I haven't felt safe enough to go back inside of the run.. which means their food & water hasn't been refreshed since. They still have plenty, but has me thinking for the future.
This morning I threw in some scratch for them & he attacked the scoop I have. I guess my question is, should I weed this guy out? :( He's been (what I call) a feral chicken up until now.. he's never let me handle him.

Any advice (even if it's how to get rid of him) is appreciated.
Absoulutely. People seem to underestimate bantams like they do small dogs. They can still do a lot of damage, and being light means they can usually get higher when flapping than standard males.
Yes. You need to cull him. Now. The reason why I'm not discussing any alternatives such as trying to train the aggression out of this roo is that you are obviously very afraid of him, and this would prevent you from taking the upper hand with him.

After dark, go into the coop and grab him off the perch. You can then do away with him any way you prefer. Cervical dislocation is the quickest, easiest, and most humane. There are plenty of videos on how to execute this method.
Also, just for reference because I saw this part
He's been (what I call) a feral chicken up until now.. he's never let me handle him.
Know that's actually how most people prefer their boys act. If they are cuddlebugs, they tend to lose respect and they can still get nasty. A good rooster acknowledges your presence and then ignores you because they're looking for real threats
Lots of people on facebook groups or craigslist will come get him to use as a member of their flock, a yard bird, or someone might eat him if he has enough meat to make it worthwhile, I wouldnt recommend killing him just because hes aggressive unless youre gunna eat him lol
Lots of people on facebook groups or craigslist will come get him to use as a member of their flock, a yard bird, or someone might eat him if he has enough meat to make it worthwhile, I wouldnt recommend killing him just because hes aggressive unless youre gunna eat him lol
As a bantam, he's likely not going to have much. We just breast ours out if we have the time and they're the size of a chicken nugget then.

Not sure anyone would want an aggressive yard bird either
As a bantam, he's likely not going to have much. We just breast ours out if we have the time and they're the size of a chicken nugget then.

Not sure anyone would want an aggressive yard bird either
I give away plenty of bantam males aggressive or not for yard birds and for meat every year.
Ooh. I’ve never personally had a rooster, so I might be out of the loop, but I have a rude hen. She chased my family around, they are perfectly aware of her, and we use our boots to establish dominance. We push her away, and then we try to “peck” her back, by that I mean make our boots go higher than her, so she thinks we bested her in the pecking order. She also gets very temperamental in the fall and the spring. It might be the daylight change or the moult. A lot of people are suggesting putting him down, but maybe this is worth a shot? My hen is back to being nice now.
Lots of people on facebook groups or craigslist will come get him to use as a member of their flock, a yard bird, or someone might eat him if he has enough meat to make it worthwhile, I wouldnt recommend killing him just because hes aggressive unless youre gunna eat him lol
Unfortunately, I'm way out in the country & nobody around wants a rooster. 😅 He is VERY loud & obnoxious. I also would feel bad if someone saw him on Craigslist & used him for fighting.. I'd rather put him out of his misery at that point.

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