Bald hen, poor weight, seems weak


14 Years
Jun 18, 2009
I got three hens 6 days ago out of a pretty rough situation. There were thirty or so hens, 8 -10 roosters and 40 guineas in a 20 by 30 pen. The hens are all missing feathers and I thought it was from crowding and the roosters but I'm not sure now.

The SLW and BR are doing ok and have already plumped up a bit. The BSL is not doing as well - she's really bald, walks in a crouch a lot, lays down often and feels thin. She's laid two eggs since she's been here. I dusted everyone today with permethrin and added vits/electrolytes to their water. I just bought some Wazine and will give them that tomorrow and ordered some chickens saddles from luvmychicks since they peck at each other. They get a 20% layer pellet and everyone's poop seems normal although it was runny the first two days they were here.

What do you guys think I'm dealing with and what else should I do? The picture shows just how bald LouLou is and that crouch is what she does about 70% of the time.

I'd also give them (and all laying hens, always) oyster shell free choice. For these hens (not the rooster) I'd crush up a half a tums (each) and give in a wet treat, or on watermelon, or something you know they'll eat.

Yogurt will help with the droppings at first. I'd watch the squatting hen, see if she lays. You might want to palpate her with a gloved lubed index finger gently to see if she's holding an egg if she neither lays one one improves by tomorrow.

Otherwise, just keep them quarantined a good 30 days, make sure to do their chores after doing your birds, and give them a lot of groceries and love! 4 weeks after the wazine I'd follow up with fenbendazole (safeguard).
I forgot to add that they are getting oyster shells. I'll try some Tums and yoghurt too, thanks! I don't have any roos though, and these are my first chickens. I went outside after my first post and she was laying under the coop but there was a huge misshapen egg in the box that was speckled like her first two. She perks up for strawberries and watermelon but otherwise she just seems puny. I hope she perks up soon.

How much fenbendazole per bird? I have some of the paste on hand (have horses too!)
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Yeah she has something going on. A capsule of cod liver oil, a few drops twice a week, might add a good source of vitamin D for her - or actually the yogurt if you give it is D fortified and might help that weird egg bobble. She was having a hard time getting that down her system I bet.

On the fenbendazole, a BB sized piece in each bird's beak will do it. Fenbendazole is such great stuff, isn't it?

I'm glad she likes the watermelon - I wonder if she's dehydrated and the heat's bothering her?

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