Barred Owl - Should I worry?

She's still here, and she's wonderful! She was gone for about a week a little while back, and during that time a hawk came and killed my hen Shadow. I chased the hawk away from her, and then it tried to come at me, and from out of nowhere Celeste appeared and chased away the hawk as it was swooping at me! She flew right in front of its path! It was the most amazing thing I've ever witnessed! I had no idea owls did that.

The hawk was gone for about two weeks, and then last week I was talking to Celeste as she was waking from her late afternoon nap, and she suddenly flew away--she had never done that before, fly away while I was talking to her. It was then I noticed the hawk was back and was diving towards my hen Eirwen who was foraging next to my house. Celeste flew over there and actually hit the hawk! Eirwen ran back towards the rest of us, Celeste flew back to finish our conversation (my talking to her), and the hawk flew off to who knows where?

A friend of mine with building experience built a nest box for Celeste! Now, I just need to figure out how to attach a small branch to it and put it up in one of the trees. I'm hoping to get together with one of the local owl groups to sponsor a nest camera as well since the high quality ones that make no noise at all are obscenely expensive. *fingers crossed*
She's still here, and she's wonderful! She was gone for about a week a little while back, and during that time a hawk came and killed my hen Shadow. I chased the hawk away from her, and then it tried to come at me, and from out of nowhere Celeste appeared and chased away the hawk as it was swooping at me! She flew right in front of its path! It was the most amazing thing I've ever witnessed! I had no idea owls did that.

The hawk was gone for about two weeks, and then last week I was talking to Celeste as she was waking from her late afternoon nap, and she suddenly flew away--she had never done that before, fly away while I was talking to her. It was then I noticed the hawk was back and was diving towards my hen Eirwen who was foraging next to my house. Celeste flew over there and actually hit the hawk! Eirwen ran back towards the rest of us, Celeste flew back to finish our conversation (my talking to her), and the hawk flew off to who knows where?

A friend of mine with building experience built a nest box for Celeste! Now, I just need to figure out how to attach a small branch to it and put it up in one of the trees. I'm hoping to get together with one of the local owl groups to sponsor a nest camera as well since the high quality ones that make no noise at all are obscenely expensive. *fingers crossed*
That’s awesome! You no longer have to worry about predators while free ranging cause Celeste is there to protect and defend! You have your very own fierce guard owl, any word from hog warts?
I built a nest box for Celeste, and she was gone when I put it up last week. It's been freezing here, and she would go somewhere else during freezing temps. Yesterday, it was back in the 50s, and she returned! She wasn't alone, she brought a meal with her that she was ripping apart and eating on her favorite branch. I pointed out the nest box to her. This may seem silly, but she evidently caught on because tonight she started using it!


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