Bay Area BYCers!

I'm more in the Monterey Bay area. Its beautiful here.
SC Hugh, is that garlic from the SC fair? I haven't started anything yet, you haven't had any problems with frost?

hi Orp!!
I may have a few Blue Wheaten Ameraucana pullets (or cockerels) available towards the end of March. If you're interested send me a PM.

I will definitely let you know! thanks!
I plant my garlic cloves at the end of October and harvest in June/July. Check out

apple crop last year was pretty weak, lack of attention, water, nutrients, this year WILL be different.

Enough about Apples and Garlic...TATERTOT NEEDS YOU! She deserves the deluxe spa treatment for waiting so long.

My February chick wish list: two Ameraucanas and two Golden Sex Links (all pullets, no more roos).

Toga run at the end is optional, but encouraged

I plant my garlic cloves at the end of October and harvest in June/July. Check out

apple crop last year was pretty weak, lack of attention, water, nutrients, this year WILL be different.

Enough about Apples and Garlic...]b]TATERTOT NEEDS YOU! She deserves the deluxe spa treatment for waiting so long.[/b]

My February chick wish list: two Ameraucanas and two Golden Sex Links (all pullets, no more roos).

Toga run at the end is optional, but encouraged


It's true! She deserves the best shampoo and blowdry.

I don't think she will want to run in a toga, though.

Now I want to grow garlic.

ETA -- if you figure out how to put the kabosh on roos, let me know.
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Hi Boo,

No issues with frost here, garlic actually can grow in below zero conditions, gotta love a plant with that kind of will
I bought my seed garlic from Filaree Farm in Washington I planted 0.5 lbs of Thai Purple (Turban) and 1.0 lb each of Chesnok Red (Purple Stripe), Romanian Red (Porcelain), Nootka Rose (Silverskin) and Northe (Marbled Purple Stripe). Thai Purple and Northe are new for me this year, the others are old favorites. I plan to enter some of my garlic and maybe some of my chickens in this year's SC Fair.

Did you hear about SC County Fair 2009 winning awards last week?


2010 Santa Cruz County Fair dates and hours:

Tues, September 14th – 12 noon-11 pm
Wed, September 15th – 12 noon-11 pm
Thurs, September 16th – 12 noon-11 pm
Fri, September 17th – 12 noon-11 pm
Sat, September 18th – 10 AM-11 pm
Sun, September 19th – 10 AM-10 pm

**Please note: There is a possibility the Fair will close early on Tuesday – Thursday.
We are waiting on approval from Board of Directors at February Board meeting. **

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