Bay Area BYCers!

I had ordered 15, 5 of each breed with buckeyes, Salmon Faverolles and Easter Eggers. I had one Buckeye dead on arrival which was disappointing and one of my Faverolles is having a hard time right now but other than that the rest are as energetic as could be! šŸ˜Š
Aw, I am sorry a chick died and that another one isn't feeling well. Good luck with it and with all your other chicks.

Those all sound like great breeds! I have an Easter Egger, and she is such a funny chicken. Maybe not the best genetics though? She is missing a lot of her tail feathers.
Aw, I am sorry a chick died and that another one isn't feeling well. Good luck with it and with all your other chicks.

Those all sound like great breeds! I have an Easter Egger, and she is such a funny chicken. Maybe not the best genetics though? She is missing a lot of her tail feathers.
Thanks! Iā€™m keeping an eye on the Faverolle and everyone here is rooting for her. šŸ™ I made sure to get breeds that would be entertaining and so far theyā€™re living up to their reputations.
Thatā€™s so interesting because my Easter Eggers seem to be the hardiest of the whole batch. They run circles around everybody else!
Nice to meet you! I also have some coturnix quail. They are beautiful birds, if not as friendly or relatable as chickens.
What's not to relate to? They just want to be comfy and lazy and snuggle into a pile of fresh, dry bedding. I don't know about you, but if I could spend all my time doing those things, I'd be over the moon. :)
Yes, he's still a young roo. He is in an enclosure all by himself, but he can see a couple other quail in the cage next to him. We only have two roos total, and culling is not an option.
Quails have roosters that crow??? I had no idea! We have lots of California quail on our property- never have I heard a crow from them...
In my experience Roosters crow exactly for reasons a dog would bark. When my roos hear something suspicious at night they crow in the dead of night. They also crow all day long to alert and to impress the neighbor rooster. I canā€™t imagine culling a roo because he alerts at night - not any more than I would shoot my dog for the offense...
Luckily I havenā€™t had an obsessive crower yet. And we have the right to farm on our property so no one can complain. To be honest, I love the crowing - when we were roosterless for a few months I really missed the sound...

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