Bedding for in coop brooder


7 Years
Aug 15, 2016
Hello all,

I’m curious what everyone uses for chick bedding in the brooder. I built a brooder inside my coop which is covered with just pine shavings. Would this be acceptable bedding for the brooder portion of the coop? I don’t know if the chicks will have trouble walking over it at such a young age.

Another option I have is to lay down the nesting pads. I think this would work better for the Brinsea heater I have.

What do y’all use?


I think it looks perfectly fine ,my baby chick's are using normal pine shavings and they are having a ball with it!
I'm sure the nest pads would work just fine, can you hose them off? Because chicks poop, a LOT, lol.

I've used large flake pine shavings without issue and I now use equine pine pellets because they cut down on dust and smell. I put puppy wee pads under the pine pellets for even easier cleanup. Everything I do in my brooder is to try and make cleanup easier. lol!

Brooder grid.jpg
The pellets is a really good idea. The pine shavings do nothing for dust. And they have been in there for a while anyway. I think I’ll scoop them all out and give them the pads. Just for something clean. I’m sure the local Tractor Supply sells the pellets. Do the pellets absorb anything?
The pellets is a really good idea. The pine shavings do nothing for dust. And they have been in there for a while anyway. I think I’ll scoop them all out and give them the pads. Just for something clean. I’m sure the local Tractor Supply sells the pellets. Do the pellets absorb anything?

Yes, the pellets absorb everything. They break apart as they absorb and get scratched. Some people also use the pellets in their larger coops and intentionally lightly moisten it to get them to break apart and cover more area. I buy mine at Tractor Supply so I'm sure your local Tractor Supply would have it as well.
Yes, the pellets absorb everything. They break apart as they absorb and get scratched. Some people also use the pellets in their larger coops and intentionally lightly moisten it to get them to break apart and cover more area. I buy mine at Tractor Supply so I'm sure your local Tractor Supply would have it as well.
Yup, looks like they do. I’m going there today and will try it.

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