Bee keeping

Alabama has laws that dont allow for existing combs to be brought into the state for placement of hives. people can still pass thru AL with hives, but cant migrate to AL with their hives. The laws were designed to help stop the spread of comb diseases such as American Foul brood and European foul brood.
we have rough winters and have to stop feeding in october, syrup anyways, some keep feeding, but switch to fondant candy or dry sugar. i have been beekeeping for about 5 years, and have been raising and selling queens for 2 years.
I took this picture outside of one of my hives on Christmas morning.

Just planning to start my first hive this spring. My Grampa was a bee keeper so I've always had an interest.
I found a good bee supplier within 30 minutes of my home so I'm fortunate that way and she has offered to let me hang out in her bee yard. Hopefully I learn a few things ;)
I'm actually starting chickens for the first time this spring as well. Building on to my mini farm hobby along with my favorite, maple syrup ;)
I am going to start keeping bees this year as well.

Saw my first bees of the season today. Was a nice day and the bees were out looking for food. Some found my shed with a have that was given to me over the winter. They were all over the frames looking for whatever bits of honey and such were left on them. Must have been something there, had a couple dozen bees in and out of my shed all day long. Was pretty fun to watch them go back and forth.
Look on line Dadant. Com they should have all you will need. From suits, gloves, supplies, hive tools, smokers, frames etc.
You can also find queens on line- we buy from Kona Queen in Hawaii they have the best! Good luck
I am going to start keeping bees this year as well.

Saw my first bees of the season today. Was a nice day and the bees were out looking for food. Some found my shed with a have that was given to me over the winter. They were all over the frames looking for whatever bits of honey and such were left on them. Must have been something there, had a couple dozen bees in and out of my shed all day long. Was pretty fun to watch them go back and forth.
If you set up a swarm trap you might get yourself some free bees.
Just got my hive today bees won't be here until beginning go may, but going to learn as much as I can until then, got it from Long lane apiaries they have a uncheck of online lessons that are free and seem very eager to help, also starting chicken for first time this year just finished the coop getting really excited
Just got my hive today bees won't be here until beginning go may, but going to learn as much as I can until then, got it from Long lane apiaries they have a uncheck of online lessons that are free and seem very eager to help, also starting chicken for first time this year just finished the coop getting really excited
Welcome to beekeeping and to the BYC Forum. You will be able to learn a lot here.
I am really glad I found this thread! I have been trying to get information locally, but so far, no one I have contacted has gotten back with me! I called my township to see if we were in fact allowed to have them (I know we are, I just want the specifics). I've emailed the local associations. Nothing. I first started thinking about it when I found a spot for them. All I have to my disposal is reading online, but have learned enough to know I want to do it. I live in PA. Any ideas of where ELSE I can contact?

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