Best Flooring/ Bedding

How does sand work on a wooden plywood floor and how deep does the sand need to be?

I would put some cheap nenolium down then a couple inches sand, if you don't put the nenolium down go a bit deeper with the sand so there poop doesn't get the wood wet. Over time I would think some of it would moisten the wood. Here's a good link about sand.
I've been using sand on a plywood floor for about two months. It's working pretty well, I use a cat litter scoop every day to keep it clean, but still having issue with flys.
sand is amazing- and the picture of the rake turned into a giant sand scoop (some threads above ) using some screen is a GREAT idea! Im a clean freak and I had to stick with the sand because it doesnt smell, is cheap and readily available, and helps dry out poop quickly once it hits the sand. I have many fluffy footed breeds ( millie fleur, brahma, silky, cochin ) and the sand keeps their feet nice and clean and well exfoliated. I also add a tiny bit of sevin dust mixed into the sand. ( I would only do that if you have a very well ventilated coop- which hopefully you do anyway LOL ) I replenish the sand twice a year. I live in New Jersey and winters here get cold into the single digits with snow etc but I have never had the sand freeze solid on me.....others who live in Minnesota, Northern Montana, describe sand freezing hard as a rock and becoming unmanageable during the winter months...just some things to keep in mind
I got Sakrete multi-purpose at Lowe's. I hope it is ok. I already have sand and pdz in the coop....but I just used sand from the driveway. I like it. I wanted to try the free stuff to see how it worked before buying it.

Bah humbug! The sand has silica in it. They only had this type, a sand mix and play sand. I guess i will have to return it and try Home Depot.

My chicks are 4 weeks old, in a brooder on pine shavings.  I love the sand idea, my question is...I have a new coop, the floor is Pressure treated plywood, using the sand should I paint the floor first put linolym down or just go right on the bare floor with the sand?

The pressure treated lumber should need no protection from anything.

Just throw sand over it and don't worry about it
I wonder if you could update the link......there is no sand on that page. Well...maybe when I get thru all of the posts I will find out which sand to use. I called the local concrete company and was told that they don't sell construction sand. Hmmm. ...

They have it they just don't call it construction sand. Just ask for a yard, or however much you need, of the sand they use in their ready mix.
There's a lot of happy folks posting here. Sand or not? , For me, my objective was to get the most compost for the buck. I chose pine shavings, & also acquired some chainsaw sawdust from A tree I took down. 7 pullets in a 4' x8' house for 4 months. All poop gets raked in daily. and no odor that I can detect. I'll be replacing the woodchips soon with new, & the old will go either on the compost pile, or directly on the garden. Nest boxes have straw, & golf balls. They dust bathe under the house with some wood ash added. I must be doing something right, because they want to follow me everywhere. :)

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