Best Flooring/ Bedding

With the sand method, is the poo still able to go in the compost if it has sand on it?
Absolutely. Using a cat litter scoop or something similar there's actually minimal sand. I scoop daily into a 5 gallon bucket and then about once a week dump into my composter. It's actually almost strait chicken poop!
Thanks Keltara,

I've owned chickens since last spring (we have 2 layers and 2 bantams at present). I came to Backyard Chickens looking for some advice on bedding. During the summer, I used newspaper to line the inside of a very small 3' by 3' coop I was using. But we just got a larger, 6' by 4' coop, and I am definitely thinking that sand sounds like the most desirable thing. Our chickens have free ranged from dawn to dusk all summer. BUT- I am tired of cleaning chicken droppings off our garage floor, as they have been walking in and out of the garage a lot during the course of the day. I can't wait for them to be contained in a smaller, dedicated area for the winter. I don't think I'll mind scooping the droppings out of sand as much as I mind having to scrape the squishy poop off of bare concrete. Ugh! Thanks for the great info, as I was going to go with pine chips - I'm so glad your thread was here to re-direct me.

If I don't use linoleum, will the wood on the bottom of the coop be spoiled? Just a question. I'd prefer to use linoleum, but that's another step and I would need to make a trip to the store, buy it, nail it in, etc. I'm wondering how sorry I'll be later if I don't.
We just laid linoleum in our 8x8 coop. It was probably the easiest part of the coop lol, we used the peel and stick and then used clear caulking in any gaps. The tiles we got were like $0.40 each. I am really happy with our floor. Now with that said..,I am a newbie and my flooring hasn't been tested with the chicks yet. Hoping they move in on Monday.

~ Nicole
I tried sand in my coop. I personally did not care for it. When the chickens get in there and start scratching around, they kick up the dust! Yes, I used what was suggested for a chicken coop. I also had problems with the dust when I went in to scoop. I would have to wear a mask to make sure I didn't breath in any of the dust that would come up. Maybe their is a better sand than was suggested a couple of years ago..but this was not good for me. My chickens would come out sniffling and sneezing after scratching around, and trying it out for a dust bath. :) I am surprised they didn't get an upper respiratory started. I just cleaned it all out within a months time. I now use the shavings again. I use straw in the run in the winter only. Change it a few times in the winter, then I don't use it during the summer at all. I use shavings in the nest boxes all of the time.
My two cents. I hear a lot of folks like it. :)

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