Best Flooring/ Bedding

You use this in your hen house and run, but not in your nesting boxes correct? Straw for the nesting boxes?
I think I would like to try the sand but have a couple questions.

1.) what flooring do you put the sand on? Plywood/linoleum?

2.) my chickens can't free range due to the hawks at our stock tank so I was going to leave the run as grass so they can still get the feel of "free range". Is there a reason I should use sand instead?

Thank you.

~ Nicole
I think I would like to try the sand but have a couple questions.

1.) what flooring do you put the sand on? Plywood/linoleum?

2.) my chickens can't free range due to the hawks at our stock tank so I was going to leave the run as grass so they can still get the feel of "free range". Is there a reason I should use sand instead?

Thank you.

~ Nicole

I don't use sand in the run but if you have a wet muddy run it would be good to keep them dryer and cleaner. I use it in my coops and I put linoleum down first in my above ground coops.
Great! Thank you. We already bought the linoleum for the floor and are putting in a chute for easy removal of floor bedding so it is great to know that sand will still work with my design. I don't think the run will be too muddy but we just moved in to this house in July so I am not to sure. The spot we picked is on a little bit of a rise so the rain should drain downward and not be too muddy....I hope.
Great! Thank you. We already bought the linoleum for the floor and are putting in a chute for easy removal of floor bedding so it is great to know that sand will still work with my design. I don't think the run will be too muddy but we just moved in to this house in July so I am not to sure. The spot we picked is on a little bit of a rise so the rain should drain downward and not be too muddy....I hope.

I love the sand, it only takes a minute to scoop the poop out each morning so my coops stay clean. I like to keep my run dirt for the to scratch in, I rake up leaves to put in the run and throw dried meal worms, bird seed, and scratch in the leaves they love scratching around in the leaves finding the goodies. Enjoy the grass while it last!
I have sand in my coop (LOVE it!) and just the regular ground in the run. Just be prepared - the grass will be gone before you know it. My plan is to build a grazing frame for part of the run so I can plan things for them to munch on. That will be my winter project so I can move it out there and plant in the spring.
We rake up all the leaves in the fall and keep them in big clean trash cans by the side of the house. The the rest of the year we use those leaves as bedding in the coop. Works like a charm! Its easy, FREE, and when we clean it out it goes straight into the compost bins where the chicken poo and leaves mix with our food waste to create black gold (compost)! Its never caused us any problems and its as close to all natural as there is.

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