Black Sex Link Roo With Hen Markings?!


8 Years
May 23, 2016
Pacific Northwest
We've got an 17 week old black sex link that from what I can find about feather color markings really should be a hen (red on the chest but it's got all the deep red wattles/head of a rooster and today it crowed. I'm rather perplexed and our kids are super bummed, it was their prized chick that they hand raised. do I have it wrong or is this an unusual situation?
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I've never had black sex links but, I believe the males are marked more like Barred rocks.

I will be very curious to see what other responders have to say.
If it crowed it is a male, and just happens to be the coloring of a Black Sex Link Hen.

I would need a full profile shot to make a guess as to what it might be.

Black Copper Marans roosters can look similar to BSL hens until they fully mature.

Or I agree with another poster, it is a mixed bird.

I've never had black sex links but, I believe the males are marked more like Barred rocks.

I will be very curious to see what other responders have to say.

and yes....male BSL are marked like a Barred and white stripes.

It is very rare for dominant females to crow and highly doubtful in a 17 week old pullet.

Sadly, you have a rooster.

Did you see it crow and was it a full crow or more of an odd vocalization?

it was an odd vocalization, I was right there when it happened, a couple times in a row. that said, it was very much like the first attempts at crowing I've heard by young roos. it's head is so red, comb so large, it's eyes are dark, early on it's tail feathers curled. it's either a roo or a hen with raging hormone issues. but I'd hate to be wrong. sexing is the hardest thing about keeping chickens and having kids, it's really hared to tell them not to get attached when they are cute, until they are full grown... thought auto sexing would take care of that.

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