Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

I paid $90 for a dozen Cream Brabanter eggs, including shipping. 4 hatched, and I'm really happy with them. Won't be laying for another month, but I can't wait! Where I am, sought after breeds of chicks often sell for $15 apiece, straight run (good quality Silkies, for example). Some breeds sell for $20. So most likely, that is what Brabanter chicks will fetch at least $15 here. Started pullets would be $20-30. A lot depends on the market demand where you are. We have lots of small, backyard chicken keepers. So if they are only going to have, say, 4 birds, and they need to be pullets, and some are $5, some are $30, it's really not that big a deal to just get what they really want. Yes, $120 is a lot more than $20 for four birds, but the price of the coop, feed, waterer, etc. are the same, and a lot of people will just get what they really want. That's been my experience, anyway.
I bought them on eBay, of all things, but they were very nice, and the birds are gorgeous. This is a picture of my favorite cockerel, Ivan. Anyway, I fell in love with a picture, and just had to have them. The eggs were good, but shipped from a bit too far away. I tend to only get about 30% if they come from the Midwest or East Coast. If I get them from the West Coast I can get 50% or better.
I bought them on eBay, of all things, but they were very nice, and the birds are gorgeous. This is a picture of my favorite cockerel, Ivan. Anyway, I fell in love with a picture, and just had to have them. The eggs were good, but shipped from a bit too far away. I tend to only get about 30% if they come from the Midwest or East Coast. If I get them from the West Coast I can get 50% or better.
That's why I hate shipped eggs, but sometimes that's the only way to get what you want with a rare breed. You will love them.
Could anyone tell me what ages their Brabanter pullets have started laying? Would it be around 20 weeks, or do they tend to start later? Thanks!
Thanks! They are going on 17 weeks now. It's exciting. The boys are raring to go, but not interested in the Brabanter pullets. They like the mature girls in the layer pen. And those girls put them in their place...chicken drama! The boys have been crowing since around 12 weeks.

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