Brahma toes?


8 Years
Apr 10, 2011
Upstate New York
I've noticed that my three Light Brahma girls have half-length toes on both their outside toes; I'd almost call them half-toes. I'm a first time chicken mama; is this a breed thing, or a genetic defect? There is no sign of injury and they all have it. They don't seem to be at all bothered or limited by it at all, I'm just curious.

Where did you get them? Are you sure they're brahmas? I got a chick from the bantam bin at TSC and was told it looked like a Houdan b/c it had 5 toes. Then the wings started coming in colored, so people said, mutt chicken/brahma with 5 toes. She's a bantam Salmon Favorelle.
She's our favorite. She's the sweetest calmest chick we have. She doesn't try to run away when we try to pick her up, in fact she will often step onto our hands on her own, and then snuggle up.
They came from a pretty reputable source (but what do I know?!). My local Agway has a pretty remarkable chicken expert who guided me through the whole thing. I have 3 Buff Orpingtons, 3 Barred Rocks, 3 Production Reds, and 3 Light Brahmas. Maybe I'll call and ask her...
Even experts can make mistakes!
Why don't you post pics in the what breed or gender forum and see what people say?
I called my expert and was told this is a trait of the breed. The girls certainly don't seem to mind (they're very active and spry), and I feel better knowing that, breed characteristic or genetic defect, at least it isn't from an injury.

I looked at my dark brahma's toes and they are exactly how your describing. I think it's normal.
She's wrong, though, brahmas don't have 5 toes.

Not five toes, four toes, but the outer ones are half-length.

I looked at my dark brahma's toes and they are exactly how your describing. I think it's normal. smile

Thanks! (and PHEW.)​
Oh! I get it! I thought you were saying they had half length toes connected to their back (outer) toe. That's what 5 toes looks like.

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