Breeding brown egg gene to green egg layer?


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
Our almost 1 year old Cuckoo Marans cockerel carries the dark brown egg gene. We have an Olive Egger who lays green eggs and I was hoping to find out from others what the possible ratio would be for the female offspring's egg color. I know there's no way to know until after they start laying but I thought it'd be fun to post anyway.

Thanks in advance!
Since olive eggers generally have one copy of the blue egg gene you can assume each daughter will have a 50% chance of laying olive and 50% chance of brown. Unfortunately it's impossible to give a ratio of how many daughters will lay olive vs brown because you may get a high number of olive eggers one batch and none the next, it's as random as rolling a set of dice
Since olive eggers generally have one copy of the blue egg gene you can assume each daughter will have a 50% chance of laying olive and 50% chance of brown. Unfortunately it's impossible to give a ratio of how many daughters will lay olive vs brown because you may get a high number of olive eggers one batch and none the next, it's as random as rolling a set of dice
I only meant the ratio of the chance of olive or brown. Thank you for telling me the ratio of that!! :)

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