BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

I love our Brooder. We got the brooder guard from Murray and use the box our chicken hutch came in as the floor. When it is time to clean we simply pick up the floor and toss the shavings in the trash, then put down new shavings. It literally takes 5 mins. to clean and change. Plus it is large so the chicks can go as they please. We have it in the garage. (Ignore the paper on the floor we ran out of shavings and had not made it to the feed store yet.)

We really should keep this thread active, its nice to see what others have used, and perhaps what doens't work as well.

I'm all for saving a buck or two if possible.
Carla-yes we finally got a screen on top of the brooder. Fire was my main worry-not the cat. That cat likes everything. Even mice. My husband came home late from work one nite to find him sleeping with a field mouse in my DINING ROOM! When dh took the mouse away and set it free the cat stared out the window til morning. He missed his friend. He's kinda like our dogs that share their toys with the neighborhood squirrels. I don't know what's wrong with these animals. My hubby says I have a way at picking out the stange ones!

Thanks for checking in though. I always need the help. You would think some things are obvious but they're not!
I will have to say that I loved the hospital cage, and if I ever needed a small brooder I'd love to do it this way. I had a 10-gal aquarium (larger would be better) that had a top fitted for small animals. I just put a lamp over one end, and a heating pad under the whole thing. It is large enough for a quart waterer, but they mostly ate and drank from small condiment cups I kept in there (then the banty slept in the cup when he finished eating!).

I LOVED having them so visible and up close. It would be a great brooder for a few banties, or just a couple of chicks. It was great for keeping them warm and blocking drafts too.

(And the new kitten enjoyed watching the fuzzy things through the glass, but I don't think he realized they wanted to eat HIM ... at least catch his tail! The kitten is weird anyway, kinda like Judymae's. He plays with the gerbils through the glass as if they were other kittens, not as if they were prey. He acts like they are his buddies and wants to sleep with them.)

Here's my brooder! I love it because the top comes off like a litter box so I can just dump it out and put it back together! The chicks love it too! Its a rabbit hutch!


heres my babies

Not really a brooder, not a coop. Temporary housing until we can put the chicken tractor together.

This is the first time they were seen sitting on the table. When I came in they were asleep lying all over each other.

Shot at 2007-06-30

Here are the new ones. Three Buff Orphingtons. They share the same room but are seperated by chicken wire. It seems like they like to talk back and forth.

Shot at 2007-06-30
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Here's our "brooder"--chicks were hatched in the coop, moved with the broody to a rectangular plastic "trough" (used to mix mortar) in the garage for a few days and at one week put in this pen my wonderful husband made. At one week they spent most of the time scrachting in the grass and just being chickens, At night they go in the house with their "heat lamp" mom. When she gets tired of being a mom, we let her out with the others and then keep the chicks. WE would let them free range after the other chickens had roosted (they go to bed early). AT 10 weeks we let them mix. This is the second batch of chicks she has raised (5 in each).

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