I don't know if the hate is still strong, but let me say, I stand behind the HATCHERY buff and lavender Orpington hate so much. They've taken THE POOFY, SPECTACULAR, OVER THE TOP Orpington, and turned it into something that is more underwhelming than hospital rice
>.> Cackles aren't that bad. But I dislike the buff with nothing to go with it. It needs a pattern.
My buff orps are Ginny, Wheezy, Pippy, and Biscuit.

I LOOOOVE them. šŸ„°
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Can I just say, why does every Buff orp ever need to be named Buffy?

Why can't it ever be anything creative like Daffodil, or Vomitica, even Buttercup... why Buffy
My Buff died a while ago for an unknown reason but I named mine Buffy afterBuffy the Vampire Slayer there was a Cordelia and a Willow chicken to go along with her but I changed their names after Buffy died didnā€™t make any sense to keep the names with no Buffy thatā€™s my Buffy story

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