BYC Debate Thread- What's The Friendliest Chicken Breed?

Currently, my Spitzhaubens are my friendliest birds. I have had very nice little d'Anvers. A few years ago I had the nicest, most friendly polish. If no one was outside she would wait on the porch, and when you were outside she was on your lap or shoulder. But my other polish have been crazy.
  • What is the friendliest chicken breed(s)?
  • Based on my experience I think ISA Browns, Polish Bantams, Black Rocks (although very noisy) Rhode Island reds, Salmon Faverolle’s

  • Why do you think this?
  • They come running to greet you, they eat from your hand and they follow you around chatting away.

  • What evidence can back you up?
  • This is one of my ISA Browns, funny enough she was named Mrs Brown (tv show) because of her nature. My friend came over to collect some hay. She returned 20 minutes later to tell me she had started to unload and Mrs Brown had popped her head around a bag and frightened the life out of her! :lau
  • 960DAC44-9ECC-45F9-BE5F-B0800ED5405F.png

  • All of the breeds I have mentioned all seem to have the same temperament and sweet-funny nature.
  • What breeds are not very friendly? Why?
  • Silkies…purely because when I was little, one used to fluff up, chase me and peck me, maybe she didn’t like my shoes 🤷‍♀️
Bielefelder 100%!
Second that. I have had chicks for a total of 5.5 DAYS in total, a mixed flock that include bielefelders. I researched friendly dual purpose breeds and bielefelder came near the top often.
My three 1 week old bielefelders pullers come sprinting to the sound of my voice and dance excitedly around my hands when I am doing brooder chores. My bielefelder cockerel (named Spatch) is very affectionate so far and jumps into my palm. He is the runt and has mild pasty butt issues so gets his bum cleaned at least twice a day. I hold him while he dries and he snuggles making soft cooing noises.
agreed. It would be great if you edited those posts with some of these...
  • What is the friendliest chicken breed(s)?
  • Why do you think this?
  • What evidence can back you up? Threads? Articles?
  • What is your experience with this breed(s)?
  • What breeds are not very friendly? Why?
  • Anything else
Well they are super loving with humans... just bossy pants with other chickens 🐔 👖

Oops.. thought i replied to the cochin post!

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