BYC Debate Thread- What's The Friendliest Chicken Breed?

I've just bought 6 of these, used to have one got huge one of my nicest birds!
This is peaches she's my nicest Buff Orpington chick so far!


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The friendliest breed is the Jersey Giant. I base it off the roosters. They are friendly and goofy and I just love them.

The meanest breed is Black Australorp. I have had two black australorp roosters at different times in my chicken owning career and let me tell you both were evil!! All I ever showed was love and they attacked me and my family. So I don't own male Black Australorps anymore.
agreed. It would be great if you edited those posts with some of these...
  • What is the friendliest chicken breed(s)?
  • Why do you think this?
  • What evidence can back you up? Threads? Articles?
  • What is your experience with this breed(s)?
  • What breeds are not very friendly? Why?
  • Anything else
I love my lavender and buff orpingtons. They always want to be pt and will sit it your lap and just relax. I have one that loves to jump in my shoulder and just sit when I bend down to say hi. I also have a very friendly barred rock. And golden copper morans. I think the more time you put in as babies the friendlier they will be.
Second that. I have had chicks for a total of 5.5 DAYS in total, a mixed flock that include bielefelders. I researched friendly dual purpose breeds and bielefelder came near the top often.
My three 1 week old bielefelders pullers come sprinting to the sound of my voice and dance excitedly around my hands when I am doing brooder chores. My bielefelder cockerel (named Spatch) is very affectionate so far and jumps into my palm. He is the runt and has mild pasty butt issues so gets his bum cleaned at least twice a day. I hold him while he dries and he snuggles making soft cooing noises.
I 100% agree! my bielefelder pullets are soo nice!
The friendliest chicken I have had where Barred Rocks. I had two many years ago and they would jump on me and let me pet them. Then last year I got one from Murdoch's and she was the same way I could sit outside and she would come up to me and jump in my lap and let me pet her.

I feel that really any breed could be friendly it would just take more work on some then others.

I would like to get another Barred Rock. My last one was killed by an owl.
I 100% agree! my bielefelder pullets are soo nice!
Me three.. I love Greystoke my Bielefelder roo.. he's so polite and sweet! I never have to worry about turning my back on him. At treat time he comes up and patiently waits while the girls are in full blown 'mine mine mine' mode. Then when he gets a treat he stands and waits for one of the gals to take his tidbit..
agreed. It would be great if you edited those posts with some of these...
  • What is the friendliest chicken breed(s)?
  • Why do you think this?
  • What evidence can back you up? Threads? Articles?
  • What is your experience with this breed(s)?
  • What breeds are not very friendly? Why?
  • Anything else
> I never interacted with special breeds of chickens but orpingtons sound very goofy and cute!
> Their fluffiness tbh, no other reason as I never interacted with them 😐
> Nothing of that sort
> None
> This post sounds dumb but here I go anyways, have any of you guys ever encountered a desi chicken?
Me three.. I love Greystoke my Bielefelder roo.. he's so polite and sweet! I never have to worry about turning my back on him. At treat time he comes up and patiently waits while the girls are in full blown 'mine mine mine' mode. Then when he gets a treat he stands and waits for one of the gals to take his tidbit..
I wish my bielefelder rooster was as polite as yours mine is always in a 'mine mine mine' mode. but ever so rarely does he attack me. ( only once in the 1 year I have had him)

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