BYC Debate Thread- What's The Friendliest Chicken Breed?

Leghorns, in my opinion. ;)

It's all about individual personality and how they were raised. Even chicken breeds like Silkies who are recommended world wide as a friendly breed can still be skitish (and therefore 'unfriendly'), if raised in a seemingly frightening environment.
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To the above:

The Danger of Friendly Chickens:

If your chickens free-range, they may literally attempt to go up and befriend a fox, coyote, feral dog, or other predator.

We think we lost the original Choo-Choo (Buff Orpy) and and her coopmate Spoon (black Australorp) that way, to a coyote.......... 😢😔
So, I had kept only few breeds until now.
I'll tell that Brahmas are the most friendly breed that I ever had, both roosters and hens. They come near to you and they let you pet them, not all of them are really happy to be picked up, though, but they won't make a scene. They will also eat from your hands. I had one that was like a dog, she was always with me, she followed me around and sleeped on my lap. Cockerels are also perfecly fine with each other.
Remind that I'm referring freiendly to you and your family/the ones they know well. Don't expect that a stranger which is messing up with the girls won't be attacked from the rooster

Another friendly breed that I had are Bantam Cochins, but only females. If you want a chicken that loves being petted, always willing to be picked up and to stay on your lap, get a Bantam Cochin female. Cockerels aren't mean, but they hate being touched. If they realize you want to pick them up, they will vanish in a second lol.
I suddenly want a Bantam Cochin...

Get one.
To the above:

The Danger of Friendly Chickens:

If your chickens free-range, they may literally attempt to go up and befriend a fox, coyote, feral dog, or other predator.

We think we lost the original Choo-Choo (Buff Orpy) and and her coopmate Spoon (black Australorp) that way, to a coyote.......... 😢😔
Sorry for your losses. :hugs
I'm glad that my cuddle babies are still scared of everything else, including other humans, but they are imprinted on me
The friendliest breed that I have owned would have to be Rhode Island Red . I currently have RIR, Silver Wyandotte, Cuckoo Marans, Brown Leghorns, Americauna, and a whole bunch of barnyard mix (total of 59 birds as of today). Her name is "Red Chicken". It started off as "The Red Chicken", but was shortened.
When she was just a chick, she was very inquisitive, always looking around the brooder and investigating. As she got older, she started following me around as I did my feedings.....supervising me. Since I have so many hens, I gave her a bracelet (id ring) to verify it was the same hen . Wherever I am at, that is where she has to be. When I come home from work, she comes running to greet me. She then proceeds to cackle, chirp, cluck, and make other noises to fuss at me for leaving. She will eat of my hand, but will not allow me to pick her up. I think it is because it is degrading to her, and she is above all of that. In my mother's words...."She thinks she's people."

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