Call Duck Assortment from Metzers

Sweet. I bet your little one will catch up eventually. Maybe he was just putting so much energy into healing his leg up initially. Last year I had two little black swedish who were quite different as well and it all evened out by the time they were grown.
Thanks so much Miss Lydia for posting them. They love to try to hide whenever I put my phone in the brooder to get a picture, lol. The one that I am calling Daisey is still very small and Donald on the other hand is growing like a weed. Hopefully he will not get huge! It would be nice if I was wrong and the bigger one is my Hen and the smaller one was my Drake but it usually does not work out that way. Time will tell. They could both be drakes and one just a lot smaller since it had issues starting out in life.
Sweet. I bet your little one will catch up eventually. Maybe he was just putting so much energy into healing his leg up initially. Last year I had two little black swedish who were quite different as well and it all evened out by the time they were grown.
Thanks a lot. That's encouraging. Hopefully since now I have her on the right road she will take off and grow some. I guess Calls are not full grown until 9 weeks old so it may take time. These were born around the 25th of March.
Yeah I hope they’re both hens or at least one is. Because otherwise I’ll have to make a drake only flock and separate Casper from his friends
Have you been able to tell what your little Call Ducks are yet? My little one that I had all of the trouble with is just fine now but soooo tiny and the other one is sooooo big. I don't know how big they should really be at 2 weeks of age. This is my first time for getting them as babies. I am not sure if the little one is just a runt or if the problems it had made it small. The bigger one has a bigger bill so hopefully it will not grow really big. I was just wondering if you ended up getting any Hens?
You haven't posted for awhile. How are all your babies doing?
Have you been able to tell what your little Call Ducks are yet? My little one that I had all of the trouble with is just fine now but soooo tiny and the other one is sooooo big. I don't know how big they should really be at 2 weeks of age. This is my first time for getting them as babies. I am not sure if the little one is just a runt or if the problems it had made it small. The bigger one has a bigger bill so hopefully it will not grow really big. I was just wondering if you ended up getting any Hens?
Oops yeah sorry, I’ll update tomorrow probably and with a video. Now the middle ducklings are in with Figgy and at first Cherry and Banana kept doing a weird lunging motion over her head and slight hissing sound when she stopped moving and her head was near them. I think they’ve stopped doing that now. Figgy also used to and I think still does chase Casper kind of, I don’t know what her goal is because Casper’s speedy and can just run away (and does, I think he’s kinda scared of her now). The little ones have been moved to the middle brooder since Figgys brooder is easier to clean as I can just take it outside and hose it off. Since Casper keeps escaping I also tried introducing him to the smaller ones and they don’t like each other. The two just try to get far away from him and then sometimes he randomly just sprints at them and sometimes, but less often, Lacie sprints at him. So maybe Lacies a boy and Cupids a girl? I don’t know what they’re doing
Oops yeah sorry, I’ll update tomorrow probably and with a video. Now the middle ducklings are in with Figgy and at first Cherry and Banana kept doing a weird lunging motion over her head and slight hissing sound when she stopped moving and her head was near them. I think they’ve stopped doing that now. Figgy also used to and I think still does chase Casper kind of, I don’t know what her goal is because Casper’s speedy and can just run away (and does, I think he’s kinda scared of her now). The little ones have been moved to the middle brooder since Figgys brooder is easier to clean as I can just take it outside and hose it off. Since Casper keeps escaping I also tried introducing him to the smaller ones and they don’t like each other. The two just try to get far away from him and then sometimes he randomly just sprints at them and sometimes, but less often, Lacie sprints at him. So maybe Lacies a boy and Cupids a girl? I don’t know what they’re doing
Thanks for the update. Oh Yes, I would love to see a video of yours. Are they feathered out yet? I read somewhere where it says they aren't done growing until 9 weeks of age. Do any of your Calls quack yet or are they still peeping? I am thinking I have a drake and hen only because of size unless I have two drakes and one was just a runt. It had such a hard beginning it's first 2 weeks though so that might be why it is so small yet. Thanks again for your reply, I appreciated it.
I'm still shocked it takes that little for ducks to be full grown
Yes it is amazing. I have sold many drakes at 6 weeks when they were fully feathered and chasing my girls around like crazy. These little guys seem to take longer being so small to start with. I just hope my tiny once grows, it seems to be since I have gotten it all straightened out from its problems. It just has a lot of catching up to do.
Yes it is amazing. I have sold many drakes at 6 weeks when they were fully feathered and chasing my girls around like crazy. These little guys seem to take longer being so small to start with. I just hope my tiny once grows, it seems to be since I have gotten it all straightened out from its problems. It just has a lot of catching up to do.
All I know is record for chickens for me was about 8 months before I knew if a specific one was a male or female. Of course, it was a male. Wonder if I'll get any pairs of colors in my coming order. Hoping for a penciled pair
All I know is record for chickens for me was about 8 months before I knew if a specific one was a male or female. Of course, it was a male. Wonder if I'll get any pairs of colors in my coming order. Hoping for a penciled pair
What did you order? Sorry if I missed that post. I had specified that I wanted Pastel ducklings and they are for sure. One is just so big and I pray it does not get huge. It makes the other look all the more tinier. I hope you get the ones you want.

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