Can you ferment medicated chick starter?


5 Years
Mar 16, 2018
Fernandina Beach FL
I was thinking of starting fermenting for my 2 day old chicks. One keeps getting pasty butt, so I considered fermenting for them and my 21 week Buff Orpingtons. But the chick starter I have is medicated and I'm nervous to ferment that for the babies. Thanks for any input!
I have :) When you do, container must not be metal nor the feeders & utinsils. The fermenation vs metal will corrode think I read can be toxic (?), don't quote me on the :duc When you're done with that bag of Chick Starter, you can put your flock on Flock Raiser, All Flock or All Purpose with a dish of Oyster Shells when they start laying. That way you don't have to worry about mixed flock or changing feed.

You can also put ACV with the Mother (Braggs) in their water (1T/gal), I usually do that for chicks the first month. The older BO can have it too. Don't use a metal container, change water every day.
To answer the OP's main question, yes, you can ferment medicated feed. The medication will be pretty much made inert by the fermentation process, but the acidity of the feed will make things difficult for the coccidian protozoa the medication is made for anyway. So no loss.
I wouldn't do it! You are buying a feed meant to manage their exposure to coccidia, so don't change it in any way.
At least call the feed company and ask one of their experts!
Well if you're worried about the medication then you could add some to their drinking water. Either way the feed will be pretty much rendered unmedicated by the fermentation, but it won't harm your chicks.

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