Canadians check in here....

Anyone in southern Ontario interested in Toulouse Geese? I'd like to order some goslings but the minimum is too high for just my farm. I'm willing to split shipping cost and drive goslings out to anyone who is interested in going in on a gosling order.
I'm in Lucan, ON but I'm okay with driving up to two hours to drop off goslings.
I'm also in Eastern Ontario. Who would have thought I would have to be worried about tricks in February?
I've also had to separate my 2 drakes because hormones are rising way too early. I feel badly because it seems that Jack, my older drake, is going to lose his top duck position to Kitkat.
Mine have also started getting frisky. Latte lost his place as top drake in my Muscovy flock. I need to cull some of the regular drakes, too. Four drakes to four females. But two of them are so bonded I don't want to separate them, and one is a purebred Magpie (and technically my daughter's).

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