Cat - My Experience Treating Panleukopenia

So glad he's doing well! Your nursing care made all the difference, very good work.
Thanks. It was a lot of work, but definitely worth it.
And there's no 'one size fits all' when it comes to force feeding, volumes, or frequency. Sometimes it's possible to do more at once, sometimes much less, more often.
That's good to know. I'm used to poultry, they are more of a "one size fits all"- start with 2% of their body weight, and increase to 5% over time. And with poultry, we can feel their crops. Can't do that with a kitten.
And definitely some pictures, especially when he's feeling better.
He's running all over the place now!
That virus lives LONG in the environment, unless killed with bleach, so any cats/ kittens need to be vaccinated before arriving at your house.
Looking to buy some vaccines from Valley Vet.
Canine parvovirus came directly from this virus, when it mutated, back in 1978?
Edited, 1978 might be right, not sooner. I don't remember exactly. :oops:
I did not know that.
I actually turned down the leukemia vaccine for my cats due the extra 25 dollars per cat. I may need to rethink it, and get them done at their next vaccine visits.
If you can do the vaccines yourself, the might be a little less expensive through some place like Valley Vet.
Hope orange kitty hangs in there. You are much braver than i to attempt to keep him going.
Thanks. I've been giving fluids to various animals since the 80s', so it's well within my comfort zone.
What's the prognosis on a leukemia positive kitty? Does it shorten their lives or cause issues? I know it weakens their immune system, but I haven't read up on it.
Not sure? I did read something that said the virus can damage their intestines and cause lifelong problems there. @Folly's place might know though.
Wishing orange kitty the best. He has a good mom. My favorite famous orange kitty was Morris the cat. Perhaps that fits. Otherwise my favorite real kitties I've had were named Hoover, Morty, and Floyd. Is it a male?
Thanks. Those are great names and he is a boy!
Feline Leukemia causes immune suppression, and some cancers, and does shorten lives. The vaccine is pretty good, not 100%, but pretty good. Cats with FeLeuk get sicker with whatever they are exposed to, not so good for them.
FIV is the other immune suppressive virus affecting cats, and it's very like HIV in people. Infected cats can live longer, but still are immune suppressed, and there's not a good vaccine against it.
Best to avoid both diseases if possible!
Feline distemper has an excellent vaccine available, no reason not to have your cats protected. And rabies kills everyone, absolutely necessary for all species where there's a vaccine available. Here our cats, dogs, and horses are all up to date on rabies vaccinations, and when we had cattle, they were also.
And horses and cattle, bless them, need all their vaccines annually, nothing works for them longer.
I have to hand it to you as I do not know if we'd have gone to this length for a kitten but where there's hope, then that's what makes it worth it. I'm glad to hear he sounds like he's pulling through!

I only hope the $470 we spent 2 weeks ago on vaccinations for 2 dogs and 2 cats included that in there for the cats. Something one of the rescues got needs a booster in a couple of weeks. I read the bill and it says FELV so I think so.

They said our corgi had Lyme's disease so the cost for the medicine for that wasn't included. She was vaccinated so I questioned why vaccinate her again. The vet said she had the "good kind." Really, there are different strains of Lymes, some worse than others? Gosh, it's hard to keep up sometimes.

I hope Orange Boy keeps improving! 🙏
I have to hand it to you as I do not know if we'd have gone to this length for a kitten but where there's hope, then that's what makes it worth it. I'm glad to hear he sounds like he's pulling through!
Yeah, it's not for everyone, but this sort of treatment regime is in my wheelhouse.
I only hope the $470 we spent 2 weeks ago on vaccinations for 2 dogs and 2 cats included that in there for the cats. Something one of the rescues got needs a booster in a couple of weeks. I read the bill and it says FELV so I think so.
Dang! Call them and ask. FeLV feline leukemia virus eline panleukopenia (FP), FIV is feline immunodeficiency virus (no vaccine), & FP is feline panleukopenia (vaccine available).
They said our corgi had Lyme's disease so the cost for the medicine for that wasn't included. She was vaccinated so I questioned why vaccinate her again. The vet said she had the "good kind." Really, there are different strains of Lymes, some worse than others? Gosh, it's hard to keep up sometimes.
Sorry about your dog. What medications does she take for it?
I hope Orange Boy keeps improving! 🙏
I just noticed an error in the discharge notes. I told the vet that I had 50 mg/ml toltrazuril (Baycox), but I guess she thought I said 5 mg/kg. I questioned why she was having me give 100 mg/kg of both the fenbendazole & toltrazuril and she treated me like an idiot.
Sorry about your dog. What medications does she take for it?
Doxycycline 50 mg. That was for the corgi. Our older dog, Border Collie got Lymes twice and was on something else I don't recall. The first time there was no vaccination, then a couple years later they came out with it and I didn't get it for her as I was skeptical. Then she got Lymes again, so I got her vaccinated. They've both always been on Credelio as well.
I have to hand it to you as I do not know if we'd have gone to this length for a kitten but where there's hope, then that's what makes it worth it. I'm glad to hear he sounds like he's pulling through!

I only hope the $470 we spent 2 weeks ago on vaccinations for 2 dogs and 2 cats included that in there for the cats. Something one of the rescues got needs a booster in a couple of weeks. I read the bill and it says FELV so I think so.

They said our corgi had Lyme's disease so the cost for the medicine for that wasn't included. She was vaccinated so I questioned why vaccinate her again. The vet said she had the "good kind." Really, there are different strains of Lymes, some worse than others? Gosh, it's hard to keep up sometimes.

I hope Orange Boy keeps improving! 🙏
What you want to check is for the FVRCP vaccine. That is a 3in one vac. The P is for panleukopenia. FELV is feline leukemia.

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