Chick has spraddled leg, now it is swollen.


6 Years
Sep 14, 2017
I have a chick who has one spraddle leg. I tried to correct it first using a rubber band and a straw, then using self-adhesive wrap. The chick is now about a week old, it's leg doesn't seem to be getting any closer to normal, and the leg (or rather the joint) looks like it is swelling up. I'm not really sure how else I can help it and was hoping some of you can help.
Here's a picture. Hopefully you can kind of see.


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I read through those links you gave me and it does sound like it's a slipped tendon. I am going to try to put it in the correct position and use the tape technique to splint it, but I don't want to mess with it too much until I've given the chick something for the pain. I've read that you can use aspirin for adult chickens, but can you use it on chicks too? Do I need to lessen the aspirin to water ratio since the chick is so young?
Hi @Kamilia :frow Welcome To BYC
Can you post some photos of the legs and the swelling?

Some leg issues can be hard to treat. A swollen hock could be a slipped tendon, injury or some type of illness.
Here's some information you may find helpful. Keep us posted.
Poor little thing.

I believe the aspirin dosage is the same since it's added to the drinking water - the chick would just drink it normally. It would be 81mg aspirin in 1quart of water.

It could be slipped tendon - I'm concerned about the lesion/sore on the hock, so you may want to apply some triple antibiotic ointment or vetericyn to that. There are some diseases like Mycoplasma Synoviae that affects the joints in young chicks which cause swelling of the hock along with lesions. But....some chicks that have spraddle/splay leg can create sores on the hocks from scooting around as well.

Do the best you can to keep her drinking and eating. Keep us updated - if you may her a sling or splint the leg, post some photos - everyone's creative ideas and care is what makes BYC so great.
Okay, she's been drinking water with aspirin in it for a while, so I took her out and was gonna try splinting the joint in the correct position. I didn't feel it fit back into place like I had read I should if it's a slipped tendon. I don't know if I was doing it wrong, or if it's because of the swelling, or if it's something else entirely. Though, I got some better pictures so maybe you guys can help me figure out whether or not it actually is a slipped tendon.
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Look like it could be slipped tendon. Now that the hock is swollen, prognosis is poor. I've tried a few times to save these, but haven't been able to so far, though I think I would probably try a few more times before giving up.

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