
  1. P

    Swollen ears, eye bubbles, red face - in autumn

    Hello everyone - We have 5 Orpingtons 2.5 years old. I'm in New Zealand so molting season is halfway done. We had so much sickness in the flock over summer I was glad everyone seemed to be doing okay ish. Our girl Serena had a day or two of sour crop (others had surgery and months worth)...
  2. N

    Baby chick has slipped tendon, leg is swollen but zero wounds

    I bought baby chicks yesterday, and they had one that wasn't walking right. I didn't want it to die or be left because nobody would purchase it so I brought it home also. I did a lot of research and discovered it's tendon did slip. We were able to shift it back in place and make a little...
  3. K

    Gander stung in head?

    Hi! I went to check on my animals the other day and noticed that my goose had a stinger/thorn stuck out of his “horn” area and was acting weird. There was a ton of swelling on his right side really affecting his eye and crown and horn area. So we got it out and noticed it seemed to go down...
  4. -Eridanus-

    Silkie rooster -- eye infection?

    My silkie rooster has been lethargic for a while. I didn't notice because he tends to hang out in our woodline, but today I walked out into our run and he was squatting in the shade. I checked him for mites, which he had, and then I discovered that his right eye was swollen. It is HUGE, like...
  5. Lastknight

    Swelling or growth on chickens butt?

    This hen is about 5 years old, I have not seen an egg from her for several months now. She had some feces stuck on her butt feathers for many weeks, today there was some yellow poo on there. I decided to give her a warm bath after smelling a stinkyness coming from her butt. After I cleaned her...
  6. 0rpington

    Brahma Chick limping with red/purple leg

    About a week ago this chick (2.5 weeks old) started limping, thinking it was a sprain we examined her and found her leg to look just like her other, no heat, no discoloration, no bend, no swelling, it appeared normal. However 2 days ago I noticed some redness and some swelling near the top of...
  7. chickieBok

    Eyelid & face swelling, with small initial bump- but no bubbles?

    Hi BYC community, I’m writing because my girls have me stumped. I have a small mixed flock of 4 that I adopted as chicks from a local farm in Feb: a Barnevelder, 2 Americauna / EE, and one that was supposed to be a Cuckoo Maran, now suspected to be a Barred Rock. It started last Tuesday (5 days...
  8. S

    Balding and swelling around eye

    Hi there, Has anyone seen something like this before? I noticed a couple days ago that my chicken's eye comb and feathers are gone and her eye lid seems to be swollen. Besides that, her behavior is normal. She's still eating and drinking and sticking with the rest of the flock. Any suggestions...
  9. T

    Swollen legs

    Both of my ducks are struggling. They are both about 10 months old and the heavier female presented lane first. We found her in coup laying down and she did not try to move when I approached. I found that her left leg was causing her pain and she wouldn’t put weight on it. I brought her in and...
  10. M

    Swelling underneath beak

    Has anyone seen this before? This poor little pullet (she is almost 11 weeks old) has this large swollen area under her beak. She is eating and drinking normally, but I am so worried about her. Anyone know what this is and how I should treat her?
  11. M

    Swelling? Growth? Tumor? (Kinda gross scab picture warning)

    Hey all. I just noticed a few minutes ago that one of my chickens has either a growth or swelling or...something, under her tail, theres a very big scab so I'm leaning towards swelling, but I'm unsure, it's very soft and she doesn't seem to be in pain when I touch it (but she does freeze up when...
  12. axon

    Bump on eyelid and swelling under nose of a 2 week old chick

    Hi BYC 👋 I have this chick that hatched 2 weeks before along with 7 others. Last week I noticed a bump on the eyelid, it was rather small but it kept getting bigger. Pictures from it's right: Left and center: There is some swelling under nostrils as well, on the left it's...
  13. T

    Rooster With Swelling in front of wing

    Hello all. I've combed through a bunch of threads and haven't found anything yet that quite fits with what I've been dealing with for the past few weeks. I have a black copper marans rooster who is 6.5 months old. Initially we thought his wing was injured but upon further inspection it appears...
  14. GyrlsInVT

    Please help Loretta :(

    For a few days now my girl Loretta has not been feeling well, I first noticed this when I saw her walking like a penguin, my first thought was egg bound however after doing everything for that it ended up not being that, then a group online said she had the classic symptoms for water belly, so I...
  15. Quacking ducks

    Injured duck

    I just got home from vacation and noticed that one of my duck’s face is a little swollen and the top of one of her nails is scraped “I think the hole top layer”. How can I help her? She is a lot calmer too which is a little odd for her. Any ideas? Thank you
  16. H

    Turkey with swollen face

    So I was just given a pair of black Spanish cross turkeys. The male's face is quite swollen, which we knew about before we brought them home. We know the person who gave them to us and he said he thinks they got into a fight and the facial swelling was from that. I do not see any...
  17. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    HELP! Facial swelling

    Hello! I have a Welsummer pullet (they are free range) that I just noticed today has some facial swelling on both sides. She is acting normal otherwise. Everyone else seems fine. Should I be concerned? It is to late tonight to get pictures, but I will in the morning. Thank you for your...
  18. E

    Swollen Eye

    Good morning, all. I let everyone out of the coop this morning, and it seems like my buff brahma, Dolly, woke up like this. I'm desperately hoping it's something that will self-resolve, but I'm also looking for guidance in the event that it isn't. The last 2 months have been one after the other...
  19. ArcticCuddlefish

    Quail with bumblefoot and dislocated toe

    I wasn't able to find anything that quite addressed my problem, so new thread. I'll post pictures tomorrow when I check on her again to see how she's doing. TL;DR: I have a young adult quail with a dislocated toe and mild bumblefoot on the mend. Am I gonna pull this poor baby's toe off putting...
  20. Chickadee00

    Swollen face

    Anybody have an idea what's wrong with my sebright? This swelling underneath her beak suddenly showed up today and I have absolutely no clue what caused it? Thanks
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