
  1. Chickadee00

    Swollen face

    Anybody have an idea what's wrong with my sebright? This swelling underneath her beak suddenly showed up today and I have absolutely no clue what caused it? Thanks
  2. K

    3 year old silkie boy with strange face swelling

    Good morning everyone! I come today with a strange case. A few days ago, we noticed our 3 year old silkie rooster Tweek had a swollen eye. We treated it by giving him nutridrench and vetrx. Though no improvements where noticed, he acted almost normal, so we weren't too concerned. Last night...
  3. BelovedBirds

    Ducks and bees/wasps

    So my (very silly) duck, Dougie, decided to eat a bee yesterday! It seemed to be dead, but she didn't hesitate, just swallowed. She's been fine, no swelling from any stings, and acting normal so I am not at all worried about it- But it leads me to wonder how you all cope with bees/wasps around...
  4. hayleyasaurus

    Please help! Duck with limpy leg, bumble foot, wet feather

    Hey! I’m not sure how to help my duck Holly. She’s been having a lot of leg issues for a while that aren’t resolving with my treatment. First it was bumble foot and a small limp. I took her to the vet and she removed the scab and infection on the bumble, took X-rays of the limpy leg. The x ray...
  5. CajunChooks

    droopy/swollen eyes

    Hey Everyone, I have a 1 yr old speckled sussex whose eyes have looked strange for a few days now... they are always half closed, maybe a little swollen. She was acting much like her other 3 flockmates, pecking/scratching/preening/laying and pooping normally, as far as I can tell - but it seems...
  6. SarahL2021

    Mystery lower eyelid swell

    In the last year I've taken my ill chickens to a vet over an hour each way, but I swear I never get very helpful info. and never as helpful as what I find on this web site! So thank you to anyone who's able to read this. Below are photos of my darling rooster. He lives with my 15 hens and came...
  7. Michigan Chicken

    How do you reduce swelling from flystrike?

    Older chicken with tumor like swelling, mainly due to flystrike, I think. Below vent. I have been soaking in salt water, applying vetericin and flysx spray. She is eating and seems comfortable, but this swelling needs to go down.
  8. C

    Bumblefoot? Limping, swollen & warm

    One of my Polish hens started walking funny the other day and I noticed the pad of her foot was bigger than the other. Since then she has a bad limp, there’s a bump on the bottom of her foot that’s pinkish and now her leg is starting to swell and it’s all warm. I thought it might be bumblefoot...
  9. Blue Raptor

    Swollen Bumblefoot pad

    My SLW just had bumblefoot, and after I dug the scab out, I sprayed it with some Vetrycerin and wrapped it with the Vet Wrap. It's been three days, and it looked good enough for me to take the wrapper off, so I did and then I noticed that her toes are swollen more that the ones on her other...
  10. AnonPaperclip

    Swollen Toe Joints?

    I've noticed yesterday that one of my hen's toes is oddly swollen. It just seems to be the middle portion of her middle toe. She seems to be walking fine, it bends normally, and she doesn't freak out when I touch or put pressure on it (so I guess it doesn't hurt?) Her mood hasn't changed and...
  11. AzDuck

    Bumblefoot w/o scab, or something else?!

    Hi BYC Family! I went out this morning to let my ducks out for the day, and my khaki campbell girl was walking just (or so it seemed). Then, about ten minutes later after I came back from feeding our horses, she was severely limping, but still attempting to run with the rest of the flock. Her...
  12. Anime2lover

    Rooster with serious swelling on head.

    We treated the main injury causing it, but he's swelled so much that one eye has a hard time opening and we're hearing gurgling when he breaths. What caused the injury was a duck drake that tore up his head. The poor silky has no muff up top anymore. His left eye is swollen to the point where it...
  13. Isadora

    Swollen foot indian runner duck

    Hey guys, one of my runners started limping and when I checked her foot, there was no injury to the pad like I assumed there would be. There is a swollen area on the top between two of the toes, which feels warm to the touch. Should I lance this and try to see if there's anything to drain? Leave...
  14. DatCrazyChickenLady

    Swelling on foot- not sure if it’s bumblefoot?

    Hello! I feel absolutely terrible about how long it’s taken me to notice this, but one of my chickens has very bad swelling on one of her feet. However I do not see any scab that might indicate bumblefoot, only a small indentation in one area- does anyone have any ideas of what it might be ? She...
  15. O

    Help my chicken's butt is huge red and swollen with yellow poop!!!

    Hi there, a couple days ago I noticed that my year old chicken's butt became swollen, red and bloody. It looks like part of her stomach is coming out of her butt. Also, she's been pooping yellow goo. She's the lowest on the pecking order due to her legs being sprained, I don't know if that's...
  16. C

    Anyone know what this was?

    One of our hens has been limping on and off for a bit now. We did notice a toe missing (we assumed frostbite after a cold winter?) and some swelling. It seemed to get better and then worse for about 2 weeks now. We had caught her a few times looking for any black scabs (suspected bumble foot)...
  17. 3

    Bumblefoot or something else? Please!

    My hen has been having foot issues for over a month & a half. Swollen ankle area on both sides. Hurts to stand/walk. No visible bumble/opening/scab. I’ve tried Epsom soaks, aspirin, colloidal silver, essential oils, wraps, antibiotic ointment, rest, vetericyn, enrotex (broad spectrum...
  18. K

    Swollen beak/nose area - pox? Need advice!

    Hey all I have been lurking on this community for YEARS and I have found your advice so helpful. I have read a few posts about this issue because I noticed one of my hens has a swollen nose area a few days ago. She also has a bit of an open wound and she is lowest in the pecking order in my...
  19. F

    Large bald (plucked?) bulge beneath vent.

    I have a 22 week old Easter Egger hen, the largest of all my chickens and much larger than her fellow EE, who seems to be acting fine but has a large swollen bulge on her abdomen, about 2 inches bellow her vent. Theres no overall significant redness, no swelling on the actual vent itself, or...
  20. J

    Bilateral leg swelling in 4 year old hen without lameness

    Hello BYC community. I have a problem with one of my almost 4 year old copper marans and am reaching out to see if anyone has any experience with this. Since about Dec 20th 2020 we noticed swelling in both of her legs, both above and below the heel, but not really into the foot. She is NOT lame...
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