Please help! Duck with limpy leg, bumble foot, wet feather



11 Years
Feb 13, 2011
East Windsor
Hey! I’m not sure how to help my duck Holly. She’s been having a lot of leg issues for a while that aren’t resolving with my treatment. First it was bumble foot and a small limp. I took her to the vet and she removed the scab and infection on the bumble, took X-rays of the limpy leg. The x ray looked a bit weird. It wasn’t broken but it looked a bit porous. She did blood work to check for cancer which luckily it wasn’t. She though it may be an infection and prescribed an anti inflammatory and antibiotic.

I kept Holly inside a few days to keep her wrap dry for the bumble foot. I re wrapped daily and put on her topical treatment for bumblefoot. Unfortunately she developed wet feather (only on her belly and butt) during this time. I’ve also been doing red light therapy on both legs.
She’s gone through all her antibiotics and is still on the anti inflammatory. At this point her left leg is swollen and she walks bow legged with it. She has improved a bit. At her worst she just wanted to lay down and couldn’t put any weight on it. Now she can put weight on it and walk around. She also has her attitude back!

The skin on both of her legs is flaking off and has a couple small scabs. I’ve been putting green goo on it but it’s not helping enough. I was worried she may have gotten frostbite but I have no idea. I saw that humans get flaking skin with it.

The bumble on her right foot has gotten worse. I’ve been treating with the antibiotic liquid and removing the scab. It’s swollen on the top of her foot as well as bottom.

I’ve started giving her nutritional yeast in case it is a niacin deficiency, but haven’t seen an improvement. I think I may not be giving enough so I was going to up her dosage. Was thinking of trying a b complex. Any one know a good one with strawberry or fruit flavoring?

She still has wet feather. She did peck some bare spots from preening but now the down has grown back. I was going to try washing her with dawn as that’s what everyone online says but I’m nervous. Her belly and butt are the only issues.

Does anyone have advise on washing her? Like should I wipe her down with a soapy cloth? Just clean her belly? I’m not sure what to do.

Also any other advice on what may be going on with her legs and how I can help her?

Thank you so much!


At TSC there be is one it will say injectable but we give orally 1 ml over a treat just enough treat they get the whole dose. This one I ordered in line since I don’t have a TSC close. The nutritional yeast is 1 tablespoon per cup of feed. Are you soaking her foot IN Epsom salt water? What was the antibiotic? How old is Holly?
At TSC there be is one it will say injectable but we give orally 1 ml over a treat just enough treat they get the whole dose. This one I ordered in line since I don’t have a TSC close. The nutritional yeast is 1 tablespoon per cup of feed. Are you soaking her foot IN Epsom salt water? What was the antibiotic? How old is Holly? View attachment 2988704
Thanks! I haven’t been soaking but I could try. I’ve done it in the past. I have been cleaning with a prescription cleanser which I believe is the same as otc hipiclens. The antibiotic was c-sulfametho/trimetho I had to get it specially compounded with strawberry because she will not take any medicine if it tastes bad. She’ll be turning 6 this spring.
This is another way to treat that has had a good outcome. I have only had 1 of my ducks get bumble she was taken to the vet because it didn't present like the other bumbles my chickens have had so she was put on an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory even after 7 days it wasn't any different so I had to use a scalpel to open and pop out the bumble there was no scab. She did heal after using triple antibiotic and wrapping.
Here is info on giving meds
as for wet feather when did she molt last?
Thanks! I haven’t been soaking but I could try. I’ve done it in the past. I have been cleaning with a prescription cleanser which I believe is the same as otc hipiclens. The antibiotic was c-sulfametho/trimetho I had to get it specially compounded with strawberry because she will not take any medicine if it tastes bad. She’ll be turning 6 this spring.
I think the brand name of the antibiotic may be bactrim
This is another way to treat that has had a good outcome. I have only had 1 of my ducks get bumble she was taken to the vet because it didn't present like the other bumbles my chickens have had so she was put on an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory even after 7 days it wasn't any different so I had to use a scalpel to open and pop out the bumble there was no scab. She did heal after using triple antibiotic and wrapping.
Here is info on giving meds
as for wet feather when did she molt last?
Thanks! The bumble is kind of weird now. It used to be big bulbous in one area, now it’s a lot more flat and puffy, but the swelling has spread to more of her foot. I believe her last molt was in the fall.
Please don't wash her with dish soap. If she's having preening issues it's either because she can't reach her preening gland or the preening gland is blocked. Usually a warm cloth on the preening gland will dislodge any debris. Do you know where to look for the preening gland?
Wet feather isn't only on the belly and rear end. She might be getting urine scald (caused from sitting in feces) since what you're seeing is only affecting her underside. Is she sitting a lot?

I see you've gotten a lot of great advice for treating bumblefoot, but you also need to think about what is causing it and prevent it in the future.
While recouping she should keep the foot dry and if it hasn't already been suggested, you should get her a duck bootie so that she can stay off the bumblefoot as much as possible.

She's got a lot of issues going on at once.
What's her set up like?
What type of food is she currently eating? Treats?
What water sources does she have access to?
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It could be she isn't preening as much especially if she isn't bathing if your in cold weather. My poor ducks haven't had a pool in over a month just this week I have been putting water in the cement mixing tub for them. If they aren't bathing they really don't preen much.
Sounds like the infection may have moved into more of her foot. I'd def talk to your vet about another round of antibiotics and you might want to try Tricide neo
@Aunt Angus can help you with this treatement
And if you decide to order booties for her while your waiting here is good info on how to wrap
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