Chick with scissor beak :(

Very similar to the severity of my little one's beak. And I tend to agree about the skull distortion, goofy has it too. Almost like the skull got twisted or squashed to one side a bit.
If it is taking more time to eat, that's OK, it is eating.
I am just seeing where this goes.
That overhanging potential that this one might not make it, is there, but got to give them a fighting chance though right?

Am I right in thinking that it is a touch smaller than the others? May be struggling to get enough feed. Or it might just be a trick of the image.
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Am I right in thinking that it is a touch smaller than the others? May be struggling to get enough feed. Or it might just be a trick of the image.
I don't think so , must be the angle as that is the main thing I'm watching for at the moment and of course quite easy with the sibling that is so the same. The big yellow chick is not an Araucana and is almost twice the size of the other 3 bless it!
How old is your chick?
If it is taking more time to eat, that's OK, it is eating.
I am just seeing where this goes.
That overhanging potential that this one might not make it, is there, but got to give them a fighting chance though right?
Yep me too! That is right as long as it can eat and drink then all good but wont' let it suffer and it worries me that there now seems to be head involvement - will that cause pain? The sinuses may get involved as someone else said. I'm preparing for the worst if I need to. It sounds terrible but I hope that it manages Ok enough and is happy enough but that it is a rooster and can go off to freezer camp with the other roosters, at least then it has lead a happy life and had some meaning.
Is it a genetic thing? I had won a auction from Greenfire farms and 8 of the 14 chicks sent to me all had scissor beak, It didn't appear until they were a week to two weeks old. Boy was I upset about it!
Wow that is really bad! What did you do - did they take them back? I think it can be genetic (I know they say to never breed from them) but various other reasons too - not sure anyone knows for sure as I've read a few different things.
Nope, I had left them messages, emails and tried contacting them through the rare breed auction and they have never returned back to me. So as my husband says those 6 chicks cost us $180.00! I will not buy from them again!
This was my first time ever dealing with the scissor beaks in 50 years...
OK I think that it is worse again today - I'm not sure if I'm imagining it but I think it looks like his little head is going a bit skewed. I watched him eating and he seems to spend much more time at the feeder than the others. I have taken as many pics as I could manage from different angles (I've cropped the images so they aren't super clear). What do you guys think?




This is the shot that I think you can see that his head seems to be going a funny shape.

Oh, that poor baby, it is pretty bad for one so young especially. I'm so sorry all of you guys who have or are going thru this! I never had and I'm not sure what I would do. It's a hard decision to cull, but I think if I had one that bad so young I probably would. Poor babies. :( I'm glad all of you are taking good care of them and are open to culling if it becomes necessary as sometimes that's the best, for them, option.
Nope, I had left them messages, emails and tried contacting them through the rare breed auction and they have never returned back to me. So as my husband says those 6 chicks cost us $180.00! I will not buy from them again!
This was my first time ever dealing with the scissor beaks in 50 years...
Wow that is shocking (and such a huge difference to prices here :eek::eek:) - I dont' even live in the States and I've heard of them (come across their site online when researching stuff) you'd think they would have more care for thier breeding stock and customer service.
Oh, that poor baby, it is pretty bad for one so young especially. I'm so sorry all of you guys who have or are going thru this
Thank you - feels like getting everything chucked at me this first hatch! If I end up culling I'll be down to 3 chicks from 9 eggs (5 that were fertile in the end)!

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