Chickens and plants...

I actually have that book already! My dad purchased it for me just last week. I'm looking for information on Heather? Haven't been able to find that in the book. Anyone with experience with heather and the chickens? I have 19 part time free ranging chickens!
I LOVE this topic. It's been a challenge to find plants that the girls don't eat down to nothing, especially last summer when the only green around here was my potted plants.

I had great luck with the following plants, it's a mix of annuals, perennials, and some are technically shrubs:

Vinca minor
Vinca Rosea
Mexican Heather
Jasmine - Arabian and yellow
Gardenia (I have the dwarf variety)
Salvia - maynight and scarlet varieties
Giant Elephant Ears (not the smaller caladiums, they love those :)
Mine just devoured my Mexican Heather I planted 2 months ago! Down to twigs in about 10 minutes!
My chickies eat pretty much anything in the garden except for a few things, one of those being herbs. I saw online that chickens are supposed to love herbs but mine just avoid them. I worry more that mine will dig out the plants rather than eat them😅
They also seem to completely avoid plants with weird textures such as plants with fuzzy leaves like wild marshmallow, lambs ears etc.

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