Chicks head twitch

Thanks for the leg work I appreciate it. I’ve seen videos on different bedding before but this one is pretty good. I like the Hemp idea the best if I would ever switch that’s probably the one I would use. I’ll go have a look tomorrow on the down side of pine shavings it’s just I’ve had no issues doing it this way so many years using my method no sick chicks or chickens over the years I keep them. Thanks again.
I hear ya. Yeah, we chose hemp in our coop for deep litter and love it! I got corn cob pellets to use for the ducks and I brooded them on that, but then my H picked up pine and we've been using that in the duck coop since it's what he bought and I'm not sure why he was skeptical about the corn cob. We will probably still just use the pine up for now and/or try out the corn cob once this bale is done. So far I am loving the lower dust levels though of the paper since I'm brooding chicks in my dining room. :oops: She has a really good channel.
Pine shavings are fine
Never had chickens or been around in my life
Just started with 15 babies and first day they were in pine shavings with puppy pad at bottom
Feel free to do your own research. Most people don't put day old chicks on any kind of loose bedding for safety reasons with their feet. Once they are a few days old (and start pooping way more) it's fine. Paper towel and puppy pads are great, newspaper is too slippery though.

Pine shavings are one of those things, it's pretty much ubiquitous. That doesn't mean it's the best choice or safest for the animals long-term. I'm not saying I'm a scientist and I've got proven hard facts for you, I just know that there is enough research available that has prompted some people to look at alternatives. If you feel like watching the video I linked above, it's really interesting! She has a lot of great information. I'm so glad I did, because I brooded our chicks on pine shavings in the past, and using the shredded paper this year I can tell immediately the difference in terms of dust. I'm a believer for that reason alone!
Feel free to do your own research. Most people don't put day old chicks on any kind of loose bedding for safety reasons with their feet. Once they are a few days old (and start pooping way more) it's fine. Paper towel and puppy pads are great, newspaper is too slippery though.

Pine shavings are one of those things, it's pretty much ubiquitous. That doesn't mean it's the best choice or safest for the animals long-term. I'm not saying I'm a scientist and I've got proven hard facts for you, I just know that there is enough research available that has prompted some people to look at alternatives. If you feel like watching the video I linked above, it's really interesting! She has a lot of great information. I'm so glad I did, because I brooded our chicks on pine shavings in the past, and using the shredded paper this year I can tell immediately the difference in terms of dust. I'm a believer for that reason alone!
I was completely unaware. Thank you. I am going to be doing more research for future baby chicks. I appreciate the information you have provided me !! 😀

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