Chip Drop in the RUN! Show me your runs!!

They have no problem backing all the way down our gravel drive & then into the back woods behind the shop to drop a load. We had 2 loads dropped back there today, actually. They will drop them wherever we ask, they're just happy to have a place to dump them & not have to pay! You can specify it in your chipdrop request that they'd have to take them out to the barn, or whatever. If they question it they usually call or text first.

Really!! Well that's different then. They have a video on YouTube (from ChipDrop) that makes it sound like they'll only drop at end of driveway. I imagine, though, it depends on who your local landscapers are, would't you? It's all up to the locals who drop them off? Thanks for that additional info, helpful!
Yes, it will depend on who it is. But these guys drive these truck all over people properties cutting down trees, they usually don't have an issue backing out to the back yard. Most can put those trucks anywhere they need to be as long as it's not muddy.

But of course there are always the exceptions! & chipdrop doesn't make any promises & they don't take returns. :gig Be specific in your request of where they need to drop it. I work from home so I always get to talk to the guys, if you're not there & it would be life ending if they screwed up maybe skip it. I've gotten at least 15-20 loads and have never had a problem, but YMMV & we have heavy equipment & don't care where it gets dropped. I think most nightmare drops are people not understanding just how much there is and/or not being happy if there are lots of leaves or pine needles & such. I have seen pics of huge drops blocking in peoples cars & stuff, lol.
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Agreed! It's definitely a 2020 thing! :eek: :rolleyes:😁
Your plan sounds good. I would consider adding grass clippings, pine needles or pine straw (which is what I got from Amazon) if you can get some, weeds, and other natural forest floor ingredients. Then the wood chips added in should make it drain well and not turn into muck.

The free range option is always preferred by the girls, but yeah, not if there are big dogs running loose. When we did free ranging (before we created the new play pen for them) it had to be 100% supervised because of hawks and predators everywhere.

I totally agree about it making your heart happy when the girls come running and or follow you around. 🥰 :loveMine do that too, one of the perqs of owning chickies! I also get such a kick out of them with my DH. We have two fold up camper type chairs in the new play pen area now, and the other day, my hubby was sitting in there with me. The chicks were all over him! We have held and petted them since they were babies, so they learned to be lap chickens. But I get such a kick out of my husband being a real Chick Magnet! The Chicks really dig him!
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I don't want to be nosy if you don't want to share, but which county are you in? I'm in Montgomery county. I know different counties offer different services, like wood chip drop off. But then there's COVID. Messed everything up. Still I'm trying to check with the county and the Highway department on wood chips.
Oh my gosh! That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!!!! 🤣🤣😍😍 yes I did sign up for chip drop off a few weeks back. I’m in Nelson County.
Yes, it will depend on who it is. But these guys drive these truck all over people properties cutting down trees, they usually don't have an issue backing out to the back yard. Most can put those trucks anywhere they need to be as long as it's not muddy.

But of course there are always the exceptions! & chipdrop doesn't make any promises & they don't take returns. :gig Be specific in your request of where they need to drop it. I work from home so I always get to talk to the guys, if you're not there & it would be life ending if they screwed up maybe skip it. I've gotten at least 15-20 loads and have never had a problem, but YMMV & we have heavy equipment & don't care where it gets dropped. I think most nightmare drops are people not understanding just how much there is and/or not being happy if there are lots of leaves or pine needles & such. I have seen pics of huge drops blocking in people cars & stuff, lol.
Yeah that would suck! Lol I gave them two options for drop off. Hopefully they won’t block anything in that way lol.
IMO, gravel in the chicken run is a terrible idea.

The poop will filter down into the gravel but, lacking the carbon of wood chips or other bedding to react with, it will rot and stink instead of composting.

Additionally, gravel is FOREVER. If you or a future owner of the property ever want to do anything with that area -- plant a garden, return it to lawn, put in landscaping of any kind -- you've got a hard-packed layer of rocks that will require heavy equipment to deal with it and even then you won't get it all out and it will haunt the lawn for generations.
Genius. See I told you I didn’t do my research and you just saved me a couple hours in YouTube lol.
Wow, I just read your list of animals! Woooooot! Quite the farm! They all must keep you VERY busy! Our 2 human kiddos are all grown up and gone, so we're enjoying being empty-but-full-nesters!
We will likely get a dog this year (according to me, not according to DH). We had an amazing Border Collie that died at 15 years old, last year in June. I'll never completely get over him, he was the BEST canine that has ever walked this earth on 4 paws. So if we get another, it will not be the same as Luke I get that. I'd like another BC though, great dogs. Do you like yours? We've had a German Shepherd/Lab mix before and she was Awesome!

I like where I live in Indiana and we still have a place at a lake in KY so it’s good! Will probably someday many years down the road retire and move back to KY.
We stay very busy with all our animals and can’t wait to breed our goats. Chicks hatching were exciting enough so I can imaging what it’s like having baby goats!
My great pyrneese is only one and she’s killed 3 of my’s a work in progress (I hope and she gets older she gets less excited about the chickens....). Our German Shepherd is very high strung and has lots of anxiety. If we go out of town he has to be medicated. Our dogs are by far our pets that require the most work!
I’ve never been a cat person and never owned one until last year, they are my easiest pets! They are all outside pets!
I imagine, though, it depends on who your local landscapers are, would't you? It's all up to the locals who drop them off? Thanks for that additional info, helpful!

Yes, absolutely. And if you offer a tip to the drivers they might be more agreeable to putting chips where you want them. ;)

As I have a tree company I use I know if I ever need chips, I can just call them directly about getting a load dropped. They have the chipper attached to a smaller truck so they've had not issue putting chips where I want them.
I have chipdrop in my run! I love it—we have clay soul that turns into the stickiest mud in the world after it rains, so the wood chips have been fantastic. However, we didn’t have drainage problems to begin with; despite the muck, standing water would go away quickly after the rain. I would have been more concerned about mold if it didn’t.

And yes, chipdrop is a LOT. I mulched my whole front garden, chicken run, and some paths (probably around 600 sq feet altogether) and still have half the pile left.
I have chipdrop in my run! I love it—we have clay soul that turns into the stickiest mud in the world after it rains, so the wood chips have been fantastic. However, we didn’t have drainage problems to begin with; despite the muck, standing water would go away quickly after the rain. I would have been more concerned about mold if it didn’t.

And yes, chipdrop is a LOT. I mulched my whole front garden, chicken run, and some paths (probably around 600 sq feet altogether) and still have half the pile left.
Holy crap! That's awesome!!! Man, I wish they would drop off for me already lol

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