Choosing or raising a rooster ??? Couple questions for my options

My son does have a special bond with one of the older hens and she is ultra dominant Rhode Island Red. She comes over to squat, he picks her up, feeds her, and that will have to STOP. We have discussed this and he knows a rooster will not tolerate it. He likes to understand animals and their behaviors.
I'd make that hen the matriarch of your son's new flock, so he doesn't have to give up that connection (or at least, not right away). We had a very dominant brahma hen (not a bully, just the confident, capable queen of a small roosterless flock) who was the sole survivor of a predator attack. We gave her some new pullets and she did a great job leading them and any subsequent standard or bantam pullets we added to the flock.
Super interesting thoughts! His RI Red HATES the other pullets in our second flock. She is NOT cool with smaller/younger chickens and will not tolerate them. She is also the sole survivor of attacks that have taken 2 of her 3 brood mates. But she tolerated the last cockerel we had fine and mated with him. We are limited on older hens so she gonna be Mrs Robinson...
Birchen as in Black silver? Tell me more. I'm looking to get a Black silver flock but its hard finding good breed stock with no gold. I just have hatchery BCM's and need to bring in better quality birds.

I read this article some time back and it sparked my interest. Knowing no one in poultry, I ordered a birchen male from Meyer hatchery. But it can be black, blue or splash and they have no good pictures of the grown roos. So it may be a bust. I'm inclined to wait. I tell you what - my parents live in north/central Indiana. If I do go to Idaho next summer I may be able to get a bird or 2 for you from Montana. It's a big maybe - but we usually go back thru that way before we go home to Chattanooga.

Rookie question - but if I lose or cull a rooster how long before I can introduce another one to the flock of hens? Can I swap hens around or pen them with a different Roo once in a while? I assume it's best not to and all this increases frustrating behavior in the roos.
Back to your first post: avoid that RIR cockerel, he's already not nice, as are many hatchery bred RIRs, in my experience. Cockerels who avoid human contact are more likely to turn out well, while 'friendly' cockerels can be bold and human aggressive later.
Each one is an individual, and it does take experience, and being willing to cull, to get the ones you want to live with.
You have an amazing mix of hens and pullets, so many possible choices for breeders, should be interesting and fun to see what comes out of this project!
Here we select for temperament, lack of good conformation, and size. Then color and closeness to breed standards. We don't show our birds, so 'close enough' is fine. No bird who's been sick gets to reproduce; injuries don't count, but poor health is not fine.

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