I have never been so happy to have my dentures I had the pain I could not get stopped they said 7 thousand to pull what was left plus 2,200 for the dentures or 30 thousand to start the work on what I had left and bridges for the rest .. The denture was not for me they gave me the wrong one it was huge I am not :he
Likewise. Always had poor teeth. It got to be almost impossible to find a decent National Health dentist in the UK.
I'm going to upset a few of you now, but the quote I got for a nice full plastic set for my bottom jaw was five hundred Euros including two extractions.
Good morning Coffee Club.
Coffee is on the stove.
I picked up a tray of coca de Sant Joan this morning. It's a bit crumbly. Help yourselves.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coca_(pastry)Gray and cloudy here. May get a drop or two of rain.
morning shad :frow
still dark here, suppose to be cloudy all day, but warm 69*(florida) but the coffee is good, thanks, going for seconds
It's just at the freezing point now. We're going to get some frigid weather by the end of the week and heading sub-zero for the first time this winter.
Same here.
Deep cold appears to be of short duration tho, just a couple days,
then next week back up into the 40's.
Think I'll give a dose of electrolytes to help the birds thru the dip.

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