Thanks everyone Morning Moved to the the folks home to help Ma and her husband of 40 years.... He was passing but it hit before He had been a master carpenter and cabinet maker extraordinaire... He had hands that held a hammer put a nail in one wack....
All of a sudden he was forgetting where he left this or what was that for..
Allot of us have been in that spot but that is why we understand the love and chore
caregiver is ...
It's Fat Birds birthday today. She's ten years old.
Sometimes love is not enough. The depression just kept getting worse until I had to back off to prevent insanity.

I know Cap.

Every caregiver reaches that point and I told many who sought me out for advice that they would know when it was time to surrender the care of their loved one to a nursing home or assisted care facility. And it's true. You just know when you have no more strength left to go on.

I didn't feel guilty. I knew I had done all I could do for my parents. I've had people tell me that they had one parent with a memory disorder disease and they didn't know how I ever managed with two.

You just do what you have to do.

@Shadrach...10 years old? Whow.....Just..WHOW!
I have a friend/customer that I've known for about 17 yrs, his wife was diagnosed a number of years ago. He takes care of her, for the most part, and has someone come in for a few hours a day so he can still work on the ranch. He's 85 and looks like he's about 65, but you can see the toll it's taken on him over the years. Very sad. I can not imagine how mentally taxing that would be. Hugs to you DL :hugs
Is that a record, Shad? Happy birthday to miss Fat Bird. That's fantastic she's made it so long!
The record is was held by Blue Spot. She was a hen when she arrived here 11 years ago. Nobody seemed to know how old she was when she arrived. So, it's possible she was around twelve years old when she died earlier this year.
My hat's off to you. They even get to the point they don't know who you are. I worked in a locked unit. Watched family cry because they wouldn't to them, they didn't know who they were, and etc.

You are an angel in disguise for taking care of him at home. I hope when he gets to where he is wandering off you will consider having a full time caretaker or placement in a confined unit. Otherwise, you will need someone to take care of you.

My blessings are with you.
I have plans for when things get to that point. We aren't there yet. He is progressing slowly. I started really taking care of him about 5 years ago but the early symptoms started 9.5 years ago.

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