Good morning CC'ers

Thanks for the coffee, Shad

Another cold morning here, not quite as cold as yesterday, only 27°F. Beautiful sunrise this morning, light breeze and frost.

Everyone make it a great day! :celebrate
Good morning, CC.
Still friggin' cold here. I got nothing done at dad's yesterday but did get my car in the shop to get the front left wheel bearing replaced. And the 'check engine' light came on again.

After the recent Carhartt discussion, I decided to get a Carhartt bed for Bella for use in the living room. Her displaced nursing behavior occasionally morphs into pull and rip behavior and she tore some holes in Ben's bed then had a bathroom accident causing it to become soaked. Ben's bed is now in the trash can.
Her new bed is due in tomorrow.
G'day, Y'all...... 'bout done sippin', got up too early, morning ration is gone.
Cold here, fingertip nippin' cold at 22°F.....supposed to be 50 on Sunday, then warm all week with nights below freezing for the sappers.
I hope you're right about the sappers. There is a family that saps the sugar maples across the creek from where I run my dogs. They were out there 3 days ago with a horse drawn wagon collecting the sap. I buy locally produced syrup. Not from this family but from one that makes it in Friendsville PA and sells at a local propane supply shop.
I doubt they are Amish but they are using metal buckets. The land they are on isn't Amish country.
Curious about the horse drawn part.
Tho there's a guy here using horses for his sap wagon,
borrowed from and operated by a non-amish.
All part of his 'homesteading marketing shtick'.
Morning, all! Thanks for the coffee.

34° right now and headed for 56° today. Wind is supposed to be mild at 8mph...much better than it has been. I wonder if my lilac leaves will be open this weekend. I'll check on them tomorrow.

The pain and swelling has been pretty stagnant. No better, but not moving. Now it's on the move again :he Going to see if I can get a CBC done to know what's going on with the blood cells. Seems silly to wait til May to get into a rheumatologist only to find out I don't have arthritis, right? Trying to figure out how to be proactive without panicking. I'd like to keep what marbles I've got :p

DL, have you made a decision about Fuji?

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