Morning, all! Thanks for the coffee.

34° right now and headed for 56° today. Wind is supposed to be mild at 8mph...much better than it has been. I wonder if my lilac leaves will be open this weekend. I'll check on them tomorrow.

The pain and swelling has been pretty stagnant. No better, but not moving. Now it's on the move again :he Going to see if I can get a CBC done to know what's going on with the blood cells. Seems silly to wait til May to get into a rheumatologist only to find out I don't have arthritis, right? Trying to figure out how to be proactive without panicking. I'd like to keep what marbles I've got :p

DL, have you made a decision about Fuji?
Boy, Meg. I hope you can get some relief. It sounds terrible. :(

This is what I posted to the Cafe (without tagging Sour again!)

My local vet agreed to take the wart off Fuji's front leg for between $200 and $300 under local. She goes in a week from Monday.
The estimate came back from Cornell for doing the MCT removal. I was off on what I thought they would charge. They estimate the cost would be between $2,500 and $3,500 to remove two MCTs from the skin. Unbelievable.
I had two MCTs removed from her the last time at my local vet for $450. I thought the estimate would be $1,500 at Cornell for something similar.

I've ordered the medicinal mushrooms to add to her diet to support her immune system. I read enough to convince me it may help so why not.
Boy, Meg. I hope you can get some relief. It sounds terrible. :(

This is what I posted to the Cafe (without tagging Sour again!)

My local vet agreed to take the wart off Fuji's front leg for between $200 and $300 under local. She goes in a week from Monday.
The estimate came back from Cornell for doing the MCT removal. I was off on what I thought they would charge. They estimate the cost would be between $2,500 and $3,500 to remove two MCTs from the skin. Unbelievable.
I had two MCTs removed from her the last time at my local vet for $450. I thought the estimate would be $1,500 at Cornell for something similar.

I've ordered the medicinal mushrooms to add to her diet to support her immune system. I read enough to convince me it may help so why not.
Thanks, Tonya.

It's always nice to have made a decision. She might well live longer without the surgery, anyway. Those prices are asinine, by the way. How on earth can they justify that? I wish the best for little Fuji. I'll be curious to see what you see in her with your own medical/holistic approach. Big hugs.
@Meg-in-MT In today's world we have to be more proactive in regards to our health than ever before.
I hear you, Mr. sour. I'm hoping to do this in a way that I don't have to go through a battery of tests that are unnecessary and tough to afford. Maybe the panel is the best way to go, at least that's what I'm thinking. :confused: Can't hurt. 'Cept for the whole needle phobia :p
100% agree.
This is one of the major reasons we decided to adopt a Paleo diet.
I bought a great big paleo book a number of years ago and it's sat on my shelf forever. After what you've said about it and trying to fix my own issues, I've been going through it trying to see if I can adopt some of the basic principals. The biggest problem is my husband will eat no vegetable except for the humble potato :rolleyes: and we're both carb-aholics. But I'd like to adapt to that or a Mediterranean style of eating. Mostly I want to get away from processed garbage we tend to be overloaded with.
Hey was on the phone with our internet they are great folks.. Needed the coffee Thank you @Shadrach made another pot here set silkie in their tractor.. Cleaned the main coops so good start today... Tomorrow there is a group of local with birds starting a little get together, looking
forward to meeting new folks

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